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Gov. Rick Snyder (2011-2018)

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Gov. Rick Snyder (2011-2018)

Headshot of Governor Rick Snyder.

Gov. Rick Snyder Biography


Rick Snyder served as Michigan's 48th governor from 2011 - 2018.

Headshot of first lady Sue Snyder.

Sue Snyder was a supporter of Michigan’s families. As first lady, she dedicated herself to causes focused on the health, safety, and overall wellness of the state’s women, children and students.

Headshot of Lt. Gov. Brian Calley.

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley Biography

Brian Calley served as Michigan's lieutenant governor from 2011 - 2018.

State of the State

Gov. Snyder giving the 2015 State of the State Address.

2015 State of the State

On Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015, Gov. Snyder delivered his fifth State of the State address.

Gov. Snyder delivering the 2016 State of the State address.

2016 State of the State

On Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016, Gov. Snyder delivered his sixth State of the State address.
Gov. Snyder giving the 2017 State of the State Address.

2017 State of the State

On Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017, Gov. Snyder delivered his seventh State of the State address.
Gov. Snyder giving the 2018 State of the State Address.

2018 State of the State

On Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018, Gov. Snyder delivered his eighth and final State of the State address.

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