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Governor Appoints Keith Cooley Director of Department of Labor and Economic Growth

January 25, 2007

Robert Swanson to retire in March
LANSING - Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced the appointment of Keith W. Cooley as director of the Department of Labor and Economic Growth (DLEG).  Cooley will replace Robert Swanson who announced today that he will retire effective March 2.
"Keith Cooley is an outstanding leader with an innovative spirit and is strongly committed to serving the people of Michigan," Granholm said today.  "With his passion for connecting Michigan workers with higher education and good jobs, Keith will be instrumental in ensuring that we have a  21st century workforce to attract new jobs and employers.  He shares our commitment to see that every Michigan citizen has the tools they need to attain those jobs of the future."

In addition to DLEG's regulatory responsibilities, the department focuses on developing a 21st century workforce through workforce development programs, Regional Skills Alliances, and the Michigan Opportunity Partnership, a program that has already connected thousands of workers to good-paying jobs and career training.  Ensuring that every Michigan worker has the tools to succeed in the 21st century economy is a key component of the Governor's economic plan.

Cooley brings a wealth of experience in diversifying the workplace, establishing education and training programs and workplace management programs.  Cooley is currently the chief executive officer of Focus: HOPE, a civil and human rights organization in Detroit that is nationally known for its programs designed to overcome racism and poverty. Focus: HOPE offers education and training in the areas of manufacturing, engineering and information technology that have helped thousands of minorities and women establish careers and financial independence. The organization also has a food program, a child care center, business conference facilities, community arts programs, and neighborhood revitalization initiatives.  Under his leadership, the organization received the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) Silver and Bronze Awards for accident reduction in 2005.

Cooley began his professional career as an experimental physicist with General Electric Corporation.  For over 20 years, Cooley was employed by General Motors where he held several positions for the company, including director of strategic planning for GM corporate communications.  He later joined Motorola Corp. as director, Telematics International Sales.
Cooley has a bachelor of science degree in engineering physics and a master of science degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Michigan.  A resident of Troy, Cooley and his wife Yvonne have four grown children.
In announcing the change in department leadership, Granholm praised Bob Swanson for his leadership at DLEG.

"Bob Swanson quickly took the reins of the department at a time when his leadership was crucial," Granholm said.  "He has exercised that leadership in ways large and small and has been an integral part of helping move our economic plan forward through challenging economic times."  

Swanson served as deputy director at DLEG from 2003 until 2006 when he was acting director.  Granholm then appointed Swanson director in May 2006.

Cooley's appointment is subject to Article V, Section 6 of the Michigan State Constitution of 1963.  It stands confirmed unless disapproved by the Senate within 60 days.
