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WHEREAS, Section 1 of Article V of the Michigan Constitution of 1963 vests the executive power of the State of Michigan in the Governor;

WHEREAS, under the Emergency Management Act, 1976 PA 390, MCL 30.401 to 30.421, the Governor shall, by executive order or proclamation, declare a state of disaster if he or she finds a disaster has occurred or the threat of disaster exists;

WHEREAS, under the Section 2 of the Emergency Management Act, a disaster means an “occurrence or threat of widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property resulting from a natural or human-made cause, including, but not limited to, fire, flood, snowstorm, ice storm, tornado, windstorm, wave action, oil spill, water contamination, utility failure, hazardous peacetime radiological incident, major transportation accident, hazardous materials incident, epidemic, air contamination, blight, drought, infestation, explosion, or hostile military action or paramilitary action, or similar occurrences resulting from terrorist activities, riot s, or civil disorders”;

WHEREAS, the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast region has resulted in numerous fatalities, injuries, and major devastation in the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama;

WHEREAS, significant relief efforts are necessary to protect the public health, to preserve public safety, and to restore the social and economic welfare of persons impacted by the storm;

WHEREAS, the assistance of state governments throughout much of the United States, including Michigan, have been requested to assist with relief efforts in response to Hurricane Katrina;

WHEREAS, a Declaration of State of Disaster is necessary to activate Michigan’s emergency management plan and enable Michigan to continue providing mutual aid and other state assets to the relief effort;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JENNIFER M. GRANHOLM, Governor of the State of Michigan, pursuant to the power and authority vested in the Governor by the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and Michigan law, order the following:

1. To facilitate this state’s efforts to respond to the effects of Hurricane Katrina, a State of Disaster is declared.

2. The State of Disaster continues in effect until the earliest of the following:

a. The Governor finds that the threat or danger has passed.

b. The Governor finds that the disaster has been dealt with to the extent that disaster conditions no longer exist.

c. October 2, 2005.

This Order is effective upon filing.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan this 4th day of September in the year of our Lord, two thousand and five.
