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January 2, 2003
TO: Department Directors
FROM: Governor Jennifer M. Granholm
RE: Coordination of State Department Activities with Budgetary Implications

This Executive Directive establishes the basic policy for the Executive Branch regarding department activities with budgetary implications and is intended to reinforce the need to examine all governmental actions for their budgetary implications. Accordingly:

  1. Department directors shall consult with the State Budget Director or her designated representative on basic fiscal policy matters, including planned or proposed program changes with budgetary implications;
  2. Proposed internal organizational changes at the division level or above must be submitted to the State Budget Director for review and approval. Changes below the division level must be reported to the State Budget Director before implementation. Any organizational changes involving the establishment of positions in excess of legislatively authorized FTE levels must also be approved by the State Budget Director;
    Requests to the Legislature for supplemental appropriations or transfers must originate with the State Budget Director. Departments must submit drafts of the requests and supporting documentation to the State Budget Director; and
  3. Legislation initiated by a department, directly or on behalf of any of its organizational entities, must be transmitted to the State Budget Director prior to its formal introduction. The State Budget Director shall review the legislation for any budgetary implications and report any pertinent findings to the Governor.

Your cooperation in complying with this directive is appreciated.

Jennifer M. Granholm