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Explore Lab Science

Illustration young kids in science

Lab Kids - Kindergarten - 3rd Grades

Science is all around us.

Do you like solving puzzles? Science is about figuring how and why things work.
Lab Kids - Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
elementary kids in class

Atomic Lab Kids - 4th - 8th Grades

Do you like helping people? Lab scientists help detect conditions like diabetes by analyzing specimens.

Laboratory science professionals help physicians with patient treatment by analyzing specimens.
Atomic Lab Kids - 4th - 8th Grades
School kids Performing Science Experiment

Lab Teens - 9th - 12th Grades

There are different career levels within the field of laboratory science, some only require an Associate's degree while others may require a Bachelor's degree and beyond
Lab Teens - 9th - 12th Grades
Teacher Addressing Science Class


Local school visits provide hands-on science demonstrations to introduce children and young adults to laboratory science.

Who We Are:

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Bureau of Laboratories (BOL) is proud to offer our Explore Lab Science (ELS) Program. The goal of the Explore Lab Science program is to introduce children to laboratory science. The program has three tiers.

  • Tier 1: K-3rd grade students are introduced to science in general terms.
  • Tier 2: 4th-8th grade students are presented with lab terminology and learn basic experiments.
  • Tier 3: High School students are presented with more complex lab experiments and demonstrations.

We hope introducing students at an early age to laboratory science will pique their natural curiosity to explore science and see the laboratory field as an option when deciding on a college major or career. School visits can be arranged by contacting Heather Seymour at

For fun at home and in the classroom, the Explore Lab Science Crew has developed videos of our favorite experiments. The experiments are performed using safe and easily found-at-home ingredients. We challenge students to perform the experiment right along with us. Visit the Teachers page for links to the videos along with a short description of each experiment.

Many thanks to our college interns who have contributed to the ELS website pages and school demonstrations.  The Spring 2025 interns include: Alec, Claire, Juliana, Lauren, Paige, Tsungchi, Laura, Elise, and Moulika. 

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