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Coldwater Road Landfill & Peregrine (Flint, Genesee County)
Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.
EGLE site lead
Nicole Sanabria, or 517-281-7726.
Waste Disposal Questions
Please note that this landfill is CLOSED and does not accept waste.
This site is located at 1245 Coldwater Rd. in Flint. There is a drinking water restriction at this location, and a landfill leak detection system is in place. Surrounding properties to the south and west of the facility are on a municipal water supply.
Content posted October 2022.
Site map
See an aerial view of the location of the site.
Drinking water
There is no known impact to the drinking water aquifer. Further investigation is needed on the impacted residential well to confirm this. Quarterly monitoring will occur to assess aquifer conditions. Residential well testing reflected on this report has been conducted by RACER and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).
Anticipated activities
RACER is conducting a treatability study for the storm water in the retention ponds (wetland area). A report is expected to be submitted to EGLE by September 2022 to include a long-term plan for treatment. RACER will be completing additional storm sewer repairs in August 2022. RACER will be completing additional storm sewer sampling in October 2022 following the above-mentioned storm sewer repairs to determine if repairs were effective in reducing PFAS concentrations.
Historical timeline
2016 - 2018
- In November 2016, the RACER Trust conducted an initial investigation of groundwater monitoring wells at the Coldwater Road Landfill. Three samples were collected; two samples were above 70 ppt PFOA+PFOS.
- In June 2017, RACER conducted a second and more comprehensive sampling event to further delineate the extent of PFAS at the facility. 19 groundwater monitoring well samples were collected; 11 samples were above 70 ppt PFOA+PFOS.
- In December 2017, RACER conducted additional sampling to determine if PFAS is moving offsite; three samples were taken. One sample was above 70 ppt PFOA+PFOS.
- In July 2018, RACER completed sampling to further characterize PFAS onsite. PFAS was detected in the drift aquifer above 70 ppt PFOA+PFOS, and as a result, it was determined that residential wells should be tested.
- In September 2018, RACER and EGLE sampled 8 residential wells. All were non-detect except one, which had 73 ppt PFOS. Three additional residential wells next to this house have recently been sampled. Two were non-detect, and one had 7 ppt PFOS. RACER resampled this home in December. This result has not yet been received.
- In October 2018, RACER conducted sampling of monitoring wells, wetland surface water, and storm sewers onsite.
- In November 2018, RACER developed a plan for block the storm sewers onsite, and to build a berm in the wetland area to prevent water from moving offsite. This plan has been approved.
- In November 2018, RACER collected 9 shallow groundwater samples near the home with PFAS in the drinking water to the northeast, as well as in the residential areas west of the landfill.
- November 2018 - As a result of the contaminated residential well, the RACER Trust (RACER) sampled three more nearby homes. Two were non-detect, the third had 7 ppt of PFOS. RACER resampled this home in December to confirm this. Resample results showed 6 ppt PFOS.
- December 2018 - RACER bulkheaded the sewer onsite in two locations and has constructed a berm in the wetlands to keep PFAS from moving offsite.
- February 2019 - EGLE, RACER, GCHD, and the City of Flint met to update all parties on current activities at the site.
- On February 28, EGLE, RACER, GCHD, and the homeowner with the well over 70 ppt met to discuss next steps.
- On March 8, 2019, EGLE and MDHHS presented at a Town Hall event held by Representatives John Cherry, Sheldon Neely, Sheryl Kennedy, and Tim Sneller at Mott Community College in Flint.
- April 2019 - RACER completed additional groundwater sampling of shallow perched groundwater, stormwater, soil, and surface water sampling in the wetland area.
- April 2019 - RACER completed grouting work on the storm sewer system and plugged additional manholes onsite to keep PFAS from leaving the site.
- In May 2019, an additional drinking water well was sampled. The property owner was not available during the initial round of sampling in 2018. PFOS was 7 ppt.
- On May 28-31, annual sampling for PFAS occurred for all monitoring wells onsite. EGLE has not received results yet.
- July 2019 - Storm sewer sampling and investigation to determine source of PFAS in storm sewers.
- In August 2019, RACER finalized installation of new residential well and whole-house filtration system for the resident with PFOS exceedance in their drinking water.
- On August 29, 2019, EGLE met with RACER to discuss recent PFAS sampling results and next steps for site investigation and remediation. Results are reflected in the table.
- On September 30, 2019, EGLE approved RACER's workplan for the next phase of PFAS investigation on-site.
- On October 29, 2019, RACER began the next phase of PFAS investigation, which involves the installation of new monitoring wells, soil and groundwater sampling, and berm construction in the wetland area.
- On January 28, 2020, RACER and EGLE met to discuss latest sampling results and next steps for investigation and remediation. The sampling data table has been updated with these new results.
- In March 2020, RACER began the next phase of investigation, which includes storm and sanitary sewer sampling, and offsite groundwater sampling. Completion of some items may be delayed due to COVID-19.
- In April 2020, RACER completed another phase of investigation, including storm and sanitary sewer sampling, and offsite groundwater sampling.
- On May 6, 2020, RACER and EGLE met to discuss results from March sampling and discuss next steps forward. The sampling results table has been updated to reflect these results.
- On May 29, 2020, RACER submitted a workplan for the next phase of investigation, and EGLE is currently reviewing it.
- On July 2020, the permit was approved to construct a berm in the wetland area to help contain water onsite.
- On July 2020, the permit was approved to construct a berm in the wetland area to help contain water onsite.
- On August 3, 2020, the former industrial property to the south, known as Peregrine, was combine with the Coldwater Rd. Landfill property due to the new Part 201 Groundwater Criteria. All data associated with Peregrine sampling is already included in the data table. The site name was changed from Coldwater Landfill to Coldwater Road Landfill & Peregrine.
Type of Sample
Date Sampled
# of Samples
# of Results Received
# of Non-detects
# Between Non-detect and standard*
Drinking Water (Residential) Sep 2018 - May 2019 12 12 9 2 1 Groundwater
Nov 2016 -
Present135 135 86 20 29 Surface Water Oct 2018 -
Present25 25 1 0 24 Cumulative
172 172 96 22 54 *Residential well results are compared to the USEPA Lifetime Health Advisory Level of 70 ppt PFOS+PFOA.
*Groundwater results are compared to EGLE Part 201 Criteria of 70 ppt PFOS+PFOA.
*Surface water results are compared to Rule 57 surface water quality values of 12 ppt for PFOS and 12,000 ppt for PFOA
- On August 6, 2020 RACER began the next phase of investigation on the storm and sanitary sewers, as well as construction of the berm in the wetland area to assist with containing water onsite.
- On October 7, 2020, RACER and EGLE met to discuss status of investigation, results from most recent phase of investigation, and the path forward.
- On October 21, 2020, RACER submitted results to EGLE from the last round of sampling that included storm and sanitary sewer sampling. These results are reflected in the sampling table.
- On December 17, 2020, RACER completed additional offsite groundwater sampling and did not detect PFAS above the MCLs in those samples. Results have been added to the table.
- On December 18, 2020, RACER completed additional storm and sanitary sewer sampling to determine if sewer repairs were successful in reducing PFAS concentrations.
- On February 9, 2021, EGLE received a report from RACER containing results from the December 2020 storm and sanitary sampling. While concentrations in some areas were reduced, some results were still above the Rule 57 criteria for PFOS at 12 ppt. Results have been added to the table. RACER will resample in March 2021.
- On March 11, 2021, RACER collected additional storm and sanitary sewer samples in 10 locations.
- On April 6, 2021, RACER provided results on the March 2021 storm and sanitary sewer sampling. Results were similar to the December 2020 event. The table has been updated with results.
- On April 8, 2021, RACER completed additional sanitary sewer repairs to attempt to reduce PFAS concentrations in the sewer.
- On May 20, 2021, RACER completed additional storm and sanitary sewer sampling off-site.
- During the week of June 7, 2021, annual groundwater sampling for PFAS occurred on-site in select monitoring wells.
- On July 6, 2021, RACER provided a report regarding results from the May 2021 sewer sampling. EGLE is currently reviewing this report.
- On August 18, 2021, EGLE received the annual groundwater report for PFAS sampling. Results were consistent with other sampling events and did not present any new concerns.
- On August 25, 2021, RACER collected additional sanitary sewer samples along Stanley Road immediately following repairs to the sewer system.
- On December 8, 2021, RACER collected sanitary sewer samples along Stanley Road to determine if repairs were successful in reducing PFAS concentrations. EGLE is waiting for the results and report from this work.
- In November 2021, RACER completed repairs and lining of sewer systems along Morris Hills Parkway, Temple Avenue, and Dunkirk Avenue to reduced infiltration of PFAS contaminated groundwater.
- On March 22, 2022, RACER submitted a Corrective Measures workplan to manage the stormwater in the retention ponds (wetland area) on the northwestern portion of the Coldwater Rd. Landfill property. RACER is evaluating potential treatment options for the stormwater.
- On March 31, 2022, RACER collected samples from the sanitary sewers along Stanley Road, directly north of the Coldwater Rd. Landfill property, following cleaning and repairs of the sewer system.
- On April 1, 2022, a temporary PFAS treatment system was set up to treat stormwater discharging from the retention ponds (wetland area) to the storm sewer on the northwestern portion of the Coldwater Rd. Landfill property.
- On May 4, 2022, EGLE sent a violation notice to RACER for water discharged to the storm sewers from the on-site storm water retention ponds.
- On May 23, 2022, EGLE received results from the sewer sampling done on Stanley Rd. Four samples were collected, with two above the surface water criterion of 12 ppt.
- In April – June 2022, RACER collected samples from the storm sewer south of the Peregrine property.
- On June 3, 2022, RACER submitted a NPDES permit application and Corrective Action Plan in response to the May 4 Violation Notice.
- On June 6, 2022, RACER completed annual groundwater sampling for PFAS on the Coldwater Rd. Landfill property. EGLE has not received these results yet.
- On July 15, 2022, RACER submitted a Corrective Action Plan – South of Site Evaluation report in response to the May 4 Violation Notice. This report assesses potential PFOS contribution from the site to the storm sewers south of the Peregrine property. Six samples were collected from the storm sewers, and five of these samples were above the surface water quality standard of 12 ppt for PFOS.
Sampling Results Summary
Type of Sample
Date Sampled
Number of Sample Results Received
Number of Samples above Criteria*
Surface Water August 2020 - May 2021 64 51 Groundwater December 2020 31 19 *Surface water samples are compared to Rule 57 non-drinking water values of 12 ppt for PFOS and 12,000 ppt for PFOA. Includes storm and sanitary sewer sampling results.Sampling Notes
- On August 3, 2020, new Part 201 Criteria went into effect. Historical sampling data compared to Part 201 Criteria >70 is captured in the historical timeline below.
- Other PFAS analytes were detected in samples. There are no federal or state standards for these analytes.
- Sumps, vaults, soil, storm water, and sanitary sewers at the site have been tested and have detections of PFAS.