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Governor Granholm Names Rebecca Humphries Director of New Department of Natural Resources and Environment

January 13, 2010

LANSING - Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced Rebecca A. Humphries as director of the new Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE), effective January 17, 2010.  Created by Executive Order 2009-45, the DNRE will assume the powers and functions of the departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Quality, both of which are abolished by the executive order.

"The Department of Natural Resources and Environment ushers in a bold, fresh approach to the way Michigan manages and protects our state's treasured environmental and natural resources," Granholm said.  "With her sound understanding of today's environmental and conservation challenges, her wealth of experience and her proven ability to bring people to the table for critical discussions, Becky Humphries is the right person to guide the department."

Creation of the DNRE is part of Governor Granholm's ongoing commitment to streamline state government.  The new department's mission is to conserve, manage, protect and promote Michigan's environmental, natural resources and related economic interests for current and future generations.  This includes implementing an ecosystem-based strategy for resource management, effectively using natural resources in a sustainable manner, and providing for continuous improvement in Michigan's air, water and soils while facilitating and encouraging economic growth.

"It is a privilege to be entrusted with leading the Department of Natural Resources and Environment - a forward-thinking agency that is home to people who are extraordinarily dedicated and knowledgeable about their programs and resources," Humphries said.  "Our new department will build on the past successes of both the DNR and DEQ while capitalizing on new opportunities to work creatively with stakeholders and citizens to sustain and restore the state's natural resources, environmental and economic health."

Granholm said the new department will be committed to meeting the needs of business and industry while protecting our environmental and natural resources, a commitment that was a guiding force in the creation of this new department and the appointment of transition manager Bruce Rasher.

"Because of Bruce Rasher's efforts, the people and programs of the new department will be well-positioned to anticipate and meet the environmental and natural resources challenges and needs of Michigan citizens, stakeholders and business leaders," Granholm said.

Throughout the transition, Rasher worked with DNR and DEQ employees and stakeholders to evaluate the many programs and processes administered by both departments.  That work focused primarily on identifying ways the DNRE can work more effectively, be better positioned to manage Michigan's natural resources and protect the environment, and more fully involve key stakeholders and citizens.

"The DNRE transition report clearly spells out how the department can be more effective and nimble in its day-to-day operations with customers, businesses and stakeholders," Rasher said.  "This plan focuses on the smartest, most creative ways of delivering service to its constituents, and the governor has made an excellent choice in tapping Becky Humphries to lead the department.  Her experience and vision make her the best choice for the position."

The report can be found at and

Rebecca Humphries began her Department of Natural Resources career in 1978 when she joined the DNR's Real Estate Division as a property specialist to purchase lands for the department.  She has since served as a resource specialist in the Land and Water Management Division, a habitat biologist at the Shiawassee River State Game Area, a district wildlife biologist in Grand Rapids, assistant to the resource deputy director, and Wildlife Division chief.

She is a graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in fisheries and wildlife, and has completed coursework toward her MBA through the University of Wisconsin.  She was awarded an honorary Ph.D. in public service from Central Michigan University in December 2004.  To see Humphries' full bio, visit and select the Inside the DNR tab.