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Governor Granholm Announces Appointment of Edward Gaffney to Liquor Control Commission

January 16, 2008

LANSING - Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced the appointment of Edward J. Gaffney to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.  Gaffney, a former Republican state representative from Grosse Pointe Farms, is appointed for a term expiring June 12, 2012.

The Liquor Control Commission controls alcoholic beverage traffic within the state of Michigan.  The commission's guiding philosophy is to make alcoholic beverages available for consumption while regulating their sale and distribution in order to protect the best interests of everyone - the public, the licensees, and the alcoholic beverage industry.  This is done through selective licensing and strict enforcement of the Michigan Liquor Control Code and Michigan Liquor Control Commission Rules.

This appointment is subject to Article V, Section 6 of the Michigan State Constitution of 1963.  It stands confirmed unless disapproved by the Senate within 60 days.

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