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Governor Granholm Announces Appointments, Reappointments
July 02, 2008
July 2, 2008
LANSING - Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced the following recent appointments and reappointments:
Governor's Traffic Safety Advisory Commission
David E. Stamm II of Grand Blanc, chief of police of Grand Blanc Township Police Department, is reappointed to represent local units of government for a term expiring May 27, 2011.
The Governor's Traffic Safety Advisory Commission works to identify traffic safety challenges and develops, promotes, and implements strategies to address those challenges.
This reappointment is subject to Article V, Section 6 of the Michigan State Constitution of 1963. It stands confirmed unless disapproved by the Senate within 60 days.
Michigan Employment Relations Commission
Eugene Lumberg, a Republican of West Bloomfield, current member of the commission, is reappointed for a term expiring June 30, 2011.
Primary functions of the bipartisan commission include aiding management and labor in reaching amicable settlements of labor disputes by providing labor mediation services to employers and labor organizations in private industry and in the public sector; determining appropriate bargaining units; providing elections for selection of bargaining representatives; certifying collective bargaining representatives; administering the law prohibiting unfair labor practices by employers and labor organizations in the public sector; providing fact-finding procedures in public employee disputes; conducting elections on employer last offers in the private sector; and administering the binding arbitration procedures in police and fire department contract disputes.
This reappointment is subject to Article V, Section 6 of the Michigan State Constitution of 1963. It stands confirmed unless disapproved by the Senate within 60 days.
State Hospital Finance Authority
Susan W. Martin, Ph.D. of Royal Oak, president of Eastern Michigan University, is reappointed to represent public members for a term expiring March 1, 2011. She is also designated to serve as chair of the authority.
The State Hospital Finance Authority provides hospitals within the state with appropriate means to expand, enlarge and establish health care and other related facilities.
This reappointment is subject to Article V, Section 6 of the Michigan State Constitution of 1963. It stands confirmed unless disapproved by the Senate within 60 days.
Michigan Board of Pharmacy
Sara A. Fakhoury of Troy, pharmacist for Rite Aid, Inc., is reappointed to represent pharmacists for a term expiring June 30, 2012.
The Michigan Board of Pharmacy is responsible for the licensure and examination of pharmacists; licensure of pharmacies, manufacturers and wholesale distributors; and the regulation of drugs manufactured, distributed, prescribed, dispensed and administered in the state.
This reappointment is subject to Article V, Section 6 of the Michigan State Constitution of 1963. It stands confirmed unless disapproved by the Senate within 60 days.
Michigan Board of Acupuncture
Rhonda S. Sousley, Ph.D. of Rochester Hills, president of Innovative Medicine and acupuncturist for Beaumont Fertility Center, is reappointed to represent acupuncturists for a term expiring June 30, 2012.
The Michigan Board of Acupuncture, created in 2006, is responsible for promulgating rules that set forth minimum standards for registration as an acupuncturist.
This reappointment is subject to Article V, Section 6 of the Michigan State Constitution of 1963. It stands confirmed unless disapproved by the Senate within 60 days.
State Land Bank Fast Track Authority Board of Directors
Stacy Fox of Northville, senior vice-president of Corporate Transactions and Legal Affairs for Visteon Corp. in Dearborn, is reappointed for a term expiring May 31, 2012.
Daniel T. Kildee of Flushing, treasurer for Genesee County and former Genesee County commissioner, is reappointed for a term expiring May 31, 2012.
The authority has the jurisdiction and control of the newly established Land Bank Fast Track Fund. The board of directors of the authority elects the chair and vice-chair of the authority.
These reappointments are not subject to disapproval by the Michigan Senate
Advisory Council for Asian and Pacific American Affairs
Constantine M. Dang of Wyoming, interim director of multicultural affairs at Grand Valley State University, is appointed for a term expiring April 30, 2012. She succeeds Remiblanca B. Kuklewski whose term has expired.
Ehsan Taqbeem of Rochester, president of the Bangledeshi American Public Affairs Committee, is appointed for a term expiring April 30, 2012. He succeeds Meredith Jung-En Woo whose term has expired.
Ying N. Gee of West Bloomfield, international representative of the UAW, is reappointed for a term expiring April 30, 2012.
Jayashree Kommareddi of Grand Blanc, office manager of Prasad Kommareddi, M.D. and vice chair of the Council for Asian and Pacific American Affairc, is reappointed for a term expiring April 30, 2012.
Guozhen Lu, Ph.D. of Canton, tenured professor with the Wayne State University Mathematics Department, is reappointed for a term expiring April 30, 2012.
Ananda S. Prasad, M.D., Ph.D. of Orchard Lake, distinguished professor of medicine for the Wayne State University School of Medicine, is reappointed for a term expiring April 30, 2012.
Leslie E. Wong of Marquette, president of Northern Michigan University, is reappointed for a term expiring April 30, 2012.
The Advisory Council for Asian and Pacific American Affairs is charged with serving in an advisory capacity to the Governor and alerting her to pertinent issues within the Asian and Pacific American community. It will also make recommendations about programs and policies for the betterment of Asian and Pacific Islanders in Michigan and will help promote public awareness of Asian and Pacific American culture and accomplishments.
These appointments and reappointments are not subject to disapproval by the Michigan Senate.
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