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Office of Retirement Services

What We Do

We administer retirement programs for Michigan's state employees, public school employees, judges, state police, and National Guard members. This includes over 598,000 customers (approximately 288,000 active and 310,000 retired members). Nearly 1 out of every 13 Michigan adults living in 1 out of every 8 Michigan households benefits from our services.

Public Act 4 of 2023 — Retirement State Tax Changes

Public Act (PA) 4 of 2023, also known as the Lowering MI Costs Plan, phases in an income tax reduction over a four-year period and, depending on your age or retirement system, maybe earlier. PA 4 of 2023 takes effect Feb. 13, 2024. 

To see how PA 4 of 2023 may affect you, go to your retirement system’s homepage:

Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System
State Employees' Retirement System
Judges' Retirement System
State Police Retirement System

MiLogin Help Instructions

As you may be aware, the Michigan Office of Retirement Services (ORS) recently adopted the State of Michigan's single sign-on standard, MiLogin, for miAccount. The new standard requires a multifactor authentication before you can log in to miAccount to increase security.

Some members have experienced issues in the transition to the new login portal. We created this guide to help you access your miAccount.

 MiLogin Help Instructions    miAccount FAQs

Women and Retirement campaign image

Women and Retirement

The Women and Retirement campaign highlights retirement risks and concerns specific to women and educates them on steps they can take now that will lead toward a more secure retirement.
Women & Retirement
Impact in Michigan

Michigan Retirement Plans in Action

We serve 1 out of every 8 Michigan households and nearly 700 employers across the state. The retirement plans we provide to our members send positive ripples across Michigan. Learn how here.

Michigan Retirement Plans in Action
Blue Piggy Bank

Financial Information

Ever wondered how ORS' investments are managed, and what are our investment goals?
ORS Financial Information