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Home Health Agencies


Home Health Agencies (HHA) that provide skilled nursing services may apply for certification to participate in the Medicare/Medicaid programs. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contracts with LARA to evaluate compliance with the federal regulations by conducting certification surveys, complaint investigations and certification changes.


State licensing is not required for home health agencies. Individual health professionals should check on licensure requirements with the Bureau of Professional Licensing.

Administrator/Leadership Changes

Initial Certification

To voluntarily become a Medicare certified provider, you will need to complete the following steps and submit the paperwork electronically to, unless otherwise noted in the instructions.

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC).
  • The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete.
  • An e-mail confirming a successful electronic submission of your Civil Rights Clearance for Medicare Provider Certification from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
  • A signed Health Insurance Benefit Agreement (CMS-1561).
  • Currently, CMS has prioritized initial surveys as a lower tier work. Following the guidance of the CMS Mission and Priority Document, Michigan is currently not performing initial surveys. A provider can become accredited to obtain certification.
  • Contact Accrediting Organization (AO) to schedule survey  *Once the deeming survey is complete, please ensure the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), Bureau of Survey and Certification (BSC) receives a copy of the survey report and final approval letter from your deeming authority.
  • Once all of the above documents have been received your application will be deemed complete, the Bureau of Survey and Certification will review and forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of the Medicare provider number.
  • Please note, this process can take up to 30-60 days from the day of receipt by the MAC.

Address Changes

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to MAC within 90 days of the move.
  • Note - address/location changes should remain within the approved geographic area. The geographic area is that area, as stated on the initial HHA application for certification, and operates as the service area for the patients designated for this provider. Any address/location change outside of this initially specified geographic area is a cessation of business and the provider would need to seek initial certification as a new Medicare provider for the new geographic area.
  • The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete.
  • For deemed providers, please submit the accrediting agency survey report that includes the new site(s).
  • Once all of the above documents have been received and deemed complete, the Bureau of Survey and Certification will review and forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of final approval letter.
  • If you do not receive a final approval notice from the MAC within 90 days of submission, please reach out to for assistance.

Branch Site Applications

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to MAC within 90 days of the move.
  • The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete.
  • Complete the Branch Application and submit to
  • For deemed providers, please submit the accrediting agency survey report that includes the new site(s).
  • Once all of the above documents have been received and deemed complete, the Bureau of Survey and Certification will review and forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of final approval letter.
  • Currently, additional practice location reviews are Tier 4 work according to the CMS Mission and Priority Document (MPD). Please be aware that onsite survey work takes priority over this type of request.

Change of Ownership (CHOW)

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC).
  • The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete. An e-mail confirming a successful electronic submission of your Civil Rights Clearance for Medicare Provider Certification from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
  • A completed “Home Health Agency Survey Report” (pages 1-2) (CMS 1572).
  • A signed Health Insurance Benefit Agreement (CMS-1561)
  • Once the paperwork is complete, the Bureau of Survey and Certification will forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of final approval letter.
  • Please note, this process can take up to 30-60 days from the day of receipt by the MAC.

IDR Process

Quick Links:

HHA IDR Request Form

Submit A Case | iMPROve Health

Informal Dispute Resolution (IDR) Process:

  • Available for home health agencies when condition-level deficiencies are cited under federal regulations at Title 42, CFR, Part 484.
  • Detailed in Chapter 10 of the State Operations Manual.
  • iMPROve Health (a peer review organization), contracted by the Bureau of Survey and Certification (BSC), conducts the IDR reviews and sends recommendations to BSC for the final IDR decision.
  • The State Agency conducts the final review and notifies the facility of the outcome.

Submitting A Case:

  • Acceptable and expected written case submission into the iMPROve Portal includes:
    • Applicable request form AND
    • A list of condition-level deficiency/ies being disputed and why AND
    • Documentation supporting your rebuttal.
  • Case must be submitted into the iMPROve portal within 10 calendar days of the date on the CMS-2567.
  • You waive the right to an IDR request if the above required information is not received timely.
  • Do not submit copies of federal standards, de-identified documents, post-survey information, or legal arguments.


  • Agencies can request IDR for each survey citing condition-level deficienceis.
  • Findings from previous surveys cannot be challenged if IDR was already attempted or available.
  • Deficiencies not corrected and carried forward from previous surveys are not eligible for IDR. New condition-level deficiencies from a subsequent survey are eligible for IDR.
  • IDR cannot be used to delay sanctions or challenge the survey process.
  • Unacceptable IDR requests include:
    • The severity assessment of a deficiency(s) at the standard level that constitutes substandard care or immediate jeopardy (IJ);
    • Sanctions imposed by the enforcing agency;
    • Alleged failure of the survey team to comply with a requirement of the survey process;
    • Alleged inconsistency of the survey team in citing deficiencies among agencies; and
    • Alleged inadequacy or inaccuracy of the IDR process.

Optional Conference Call:

  • Agencies may request a conference call with iMPROve Health to present their case, in addition to the desk review.
  • The home health agency bears the cost of the call.
  • The call will be scheduled and led by iMPROve Health.
  • BSC will designate a representative to attend in a listen-only capacity.



Contact Us

Bureau Phone:  517-284-0193

Bureau Fax Number:  517-763-0214

Help for general questions:

Certification Support email (document submission):