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Gasoline Information

Motor Fuel
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Gasoline Information

Gas Pricing Complaints (Attorney General)

If you have information regarding potential unfair gasoline pricing practices, please call the Attorney General's Office at 877-765-8388 or file a gasoline price gouging complaint online.

Gas Quality/Quantity Complaints (MDARD)

If you suspect that you have purchased substandard fuel (mislabeled octane, water in gas, etc.) or that you have received a short/incorrect measure, file a gasoline quantity or quantity complaint online.

Motor Fuels Quality Hot Line: 800-MDA-FUEL or 800-632-3835

This number is used for reporting suspected adulteration of motor fuels or pump calibrations. It is posted on the pumps at every filling station in the state.

movie in which Samantha Hartman, Weights and Measures Inspector for MDARD, Checks Michigan Gas Pumps for Credit Card Skimmers

Staying Safe at the Pump

Samantha Hartman, Weights and Measures Inspector for MDARD, Checks Michigan Gas Pumps for Credit Card Skimmers