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Farmland Preservation

Farmland Preservation
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Farmland Preservation

Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program

The Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program, or P.A. 116, is designed to protect farmland and open space through agreements that restrict development and provides tax incentives for program participation. By enrolling farmland in the program for a minimum of 10 years, the landowner may be entitled to certain income tax benefits, and the land will not be subject to special assessments for sanitary sewer, water, lights, or non-farm drain projects. The mission of the program is to preserve farmland and open space from being developed for non-agricultural uses. Sign up for the digital distribution list to stay informed on activities and information from the Farmland Open Space Preservation Program.

The Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program consists of the following methods for preserving farmland and open space:

  • Farmland Development Rights Agreements: A temporary restriction on the land between the State and a landowner, voluntarily entered into by a landowner, preserving their land for agriculture in exchange for certain tax benefits and exemptions for various special assessments.
  • Conservation Easement Donations: A permanent restriction on the land between the State and a landowner, voluntarily entered into by a landowner, preserving their land for either open space or agriculture.
  • Agricultural Preservation Fund: A fund established to assist local units of government in implementing a local purchase of development rights program.
  • Local Open Space Easement: A temporary restriction on the land between the local government and a landowner, voluntarily entered into by a landowner, preserving their land as open space in exchange for certain tax benefits and exemptions for various special assessments. Click here for the registration form.
  • Designated Open Space Easement: A temporary restriction on specially designated lands between the State and a landowner, voluntarily entered into by a landowner, preserving their land as open space in exchange for certain tax benefits and exemptions for various special assessments. If you are interested in requesting land be conserved, submit a Designated Open Space Easement Application.
  • Purchase of Development Rights: A permanent restriction on the land between the State and a landowner, voluntarily entered into by a landowner, preserving their land for agriculture in exchange for a cash payment for those rights. Funding is not currently available for this program. Contact your township or county to see if there is a local Permanent Development Rights Program established.