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Juvenile Justice

gathering of teens

Juvenile Justice

Division of Juvenile Justice Mission:

To ensure all youth and families of diverse populations, involved in Michigan's juvenile justice system, have equitable access to a continuum of research and evidence-based services that provide rehabilitation opportunities in a safe, supportive, and respectful environment that honors the youth and family voice.

Juvenile Justice Vision & Values
Our plans to build a safer Michigan.

Nondiscrimination Statement(Declaración de No discriminación)

Additional Resources


There are two state-operated juvenile justice facilities in Michigan that offer a range of rehabilitation services.


Information on federal grants and Juvenile Accountability Block Grants.

Interstate Compact

Information on cooperation among states regarding conditions and requirements for interstate placement of children.

Juvenile Competency

Provides juvenile competency stakeholders with access to relevant resources and information involving juvenile competency/restoration in the state of Michigan.

Policy & Compliance

For policy manuals and guides.

Regional Detention Support Services

Provides transportation, home detention monitoring, holdover site monitoring, and alternatives to jail for juvenile offenders.

Youth Resources

Juvenile justice youth have access to a number of resources to assist them, similar to those available to all foster care youth.

Prison Rape Elimination Act

the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) established zero-tolerance for sexual abuse and sexual harassment of youth within any confinement facility of a federal, state or local government.

Michigan Juvenile Justice Advisory Council (MJJAC) Application  

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is seeking former Juvenile Justice youth (now adults) and adult family members of former OR current juvenile justice youth to participate in the Michigan Juvenile Justice Advisory Council (JJAC). As members of this committee, these adults will share their experience and provide input regarding juvenile justice (MDHHS, courts, residential) programs, policies, and practice to improve them.   

MDHHS-6024, Michigan Juvenile Justice Council (MJJC) Application - Rev. 09-23