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Breast & Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP)
Program Overview
The Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP) provides low-income women access to breast and cervical cancer screening services (mammograms and Pap tests) and follow-up care if needed.
The program does not pay for cancer treatment, but women may be eligible for a special Medicaid program through BC3NP that will cover cancer treatment.
Below are links to various aspects of our program. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please email us at Call 844-446-8727 (TTY 711) if you have questions or need help enrolling. Interpreters available.
BC3NP Locations — Am I Eligible? How Do I Enroll?
Are you worried that you can't afford your mammogram or Pap test? Or even worse — are you worried you can't afford the follow-up care? If you are 21-64 years old (for cervical cancer screening) or 40-64 years old (for breast cancer screening), a resident of Michigan, and within the income guidelines below, call your local Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program to see how we can help you.
Check eligibility and find a local coordinating agency
What is BC3NP?
What Services Are Available Through the Program?
Screening Services
Through these local public health programs, women aged 21-64 can receive screening services, such as:
- Pap smears (ages 21-64)
- Screening mammograms (ages 40-64)
- MRIs - based on client personal and family risk
Diagnostic Services
If a breast and/or cervical abnormality is identified from the screening test/exam, the woman will be referred to community providers for follow-up. Over 75 diagnostic services are provided free of cost through the BC3NP. Some of these include:
- Diagnostic mammograms
- Ultrasounds
- MRIs
- Breast biopsy
- Colposcopy services
- Colposcopy-directed biopsy services
- Medical consultations
Family Planning women enrolled in the BC3NP are eligible to receive cervical screening and diagnostic services.
Cancer Treatment
In the event of a diagnosis of breast or cervical cancer through the BC3NP, a woman may be eligible for Medicaid coverage. If eligible, Medicaid will pay for all of her medical expenses for as long as she is being treated for the cancer. Once treatment is no longer needed, the woman is then potentially eligible (once again, based upon age and income) for continued annual screening services through the BC3NP.
A woman remains eligible for Medicaid coverage until:
- Her health professional deems the woman is free from cancer and will not require continued cancer therapy or
- She no longer meets the eligibility criteria for this program (e.g., she has obtained creditable insurance coverage, has reached the age of 65 and has Medicare Part B, or has an income that exceeds 250 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL)).
BC3NP Eligibility
The BC3NP is a federal program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Those who are eligible for the BC3NP include women who are uninsured or underinsured, at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines, ages 40 to 64 years for breast cancer services and ages 21 to 64 years for cervical cancer services.
Eligible clients who will benefit from this program include those who are at increased risk of breast and/or cervical cancer and who need preventive health screenings as part of their wellness routine.
Who Is Eligible?
The following information MUST be determined PRIOR to enrolling women in BC3NP.
- Income:
- At or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines (See below.)
- Age:
- 21-64 and requiring cervical screening/diagnostic/treatment services, AND/OR
- 40-64 and requiring breast screening/diagnostic/treatment services OR
- 21-64 and referred to BC3NP with an abnormal screening Pap test OR a clinical breast exam that require breast/cervical diagnostic services
- Residency:
- Current Michigan resident OR
- Woman living near the border of a neighboring state (Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota) who plans to receive screening and diagnostic services in Michigan.
Note: Women who are enrolled in a managed care program, a health maintenance organization, or Medicare Part B are not eligible for the BC3NP.
Federal Poverty Guidelines - 2025*
Size of
Family UnitPoverty
Guideline139% - 250%
of Poverty Guidelines
EligibleLess Than 138%
of Poverty Guidelines
Medicaid Eligible1 $15,650.00 $39,125.00 $21,597.00 2 $21,150.00 $52,875.00 $29,325.00 3 $26,650.00 $66,625.00 $36,777.00 4 $32,150.00 $80,375.00 $44,367.00 5 $37,650.00 $94,125.00 $51,956.00 6 $43,150.00 $107,875.00 $59,547.00 7 $48,650.00 $121,625.00 $67,137.00 8 $54,150.00 $135,375.00 $74,727.00 Each Additional Member
(Beyond 8)$5,500.00 $13,750.00 $7,590.00 * The federal poverty guidelines are updated annually.
Source: -
Women's Health Partnership
Cancer and heart disease are the leading causes of death for Michigan women. To address this issue, the MDHHS Cancer Prevention and Control Section offers screening programs especially for women:
- The Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP) provides breast and cervical cancer screening to eligible women.
- The WISEWOMAN Program provides screening for heart disease risk factors and health coaching to make lifestyle changes.
- The Program for Breast Cancer in Young Adults provides educational and quality of life resources for cancer survivors, metastatic thrivers, caregivers, and health professionals.
The Cancer Section began the Women’s Health Partnership to partner with organizations to help promote these screening programs. Partner organizations:
- enroll women for lifesaving health screenings;
- engage women in services for themselves and their families; and
- help women take advantage of free health services in the communities they serve.
Find out more about the Women's Health Partnership and how you can help.
Become a BC3NP Provider
Find out more about becoming a BC3NP healthcare partner and referring your patients to the program on our BC3NP – Information for Healthcare Providers page.
BC3NP MDHHS Staff Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Cancer Prevention and Control Section
P.O. Box 30815
Lansing, MI 48909Enrollment: 844-446-8727 (TTY 711)
Interpreters Available.
Claim Status: (866) 930-6324
Claim Questions:
Secure Fax: 517-763-0290
Cancer Resources, Facts, and Data Dashboards
- Cancer Resources for Michigan Communities
- Cancer Dashboards for Michigan
- Visit the MDHHS Cancer Epidemiology webpage for more dashboards and additional information.
Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast cancer can be treated in several ways. It depends on the type of breast cancer and how far it has spread.1 If you are looking for information on breast cancer treatment, below are a few resources that may help you.
- American Cancer Society
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- National Cancer Institute
- Susan G. Komen
BC3NP Provider Billing and Reimbursement
Below are BC3NP's program-approved procedures, rates, diagnosis codes, place of service codes, and revenue codes.
BC3NP is a federally funded program and not an insurance company. Our rates are based on the Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) Detroit rate, and our approved procedures are provided to us by our funder, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Rates are reviewed bi-annually in January and July, but are subject to change at any time without notice.
If you have questions, please email
FY2025 (October 2024 - September 2025)
- BC3NP FY25 Rate Schedule
(rev. Sept 30, 2024)
FY2024 (October 2023 - September 2024)
Claims-Related Documents
- BC3NP ICD-10 Codes
(rev. July 1, 2024)
- BC3NP Place of Service Codes
- BC3NP Revenue Codes
- BC3NP Hold Codes/ Adjustment Codes
- 2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines
Claim Submission, Status, and Refund Information
- Paper Claim Submission Guidelines and Billing Deadlines
(rev. April 22, 2024)
Paper Claim Submission Address:
Elliott-Larsen Building, 5-N
320 S. Walnut St.
Lansing, MI 48933
Claim Status:
In order to provide the most complete and timely claim status, we ask that you fax a copy of your UB-04 or HCFA-1500 claim form to our secure fax line at 517-763-0290. Be sure to include your email address and phone number so we can reach you.Please do not fax new claim submissions.
Phone (Toll-Free): 866-930-6324
If you have questions, please email
Payment Refund Address:
State of Michigan
Attn: BC3NP/Billing
P.O. Box 30437
Lansing, MI 48909
- BC3NP FY25 Rate Schedule
BC3NP LCA Program Manuals and Policies
Below are BC3NP's program manuals, including clinical algorithms, policies, and procedures. Should you have any questions about the BC3NP program, please email
BC3NP Educational Videos
- FY23 Q2 Clinical Webinar – Breast Biopsies
BC3NP LCA Program Forms
Below are BC3NP's program-approved forms. Information on the forms with an asterisk (*) is mandatory and, if not filled out when the forms are submitted, may delay enrollment/ processing/ reimbursement/ etc. If you have any questions or need help locating a form, please email
- BC3NP and WISEWOMAN Enrollment Form
(MDHHS-6126) (rev. March 2025)
- BC3NP Participation Consent Form
(MDHHS-6198) (rev. December 2024)
- BC3NP and WISEWOMAN Participation Consent Form
(MDHHS-6199) (rev. January 2025)
- BC3NP Screening Form
- BC3NP Breast & Cervical Follow-up Form
- BC3NP and WISEWOMAN Provider & Facility Enrollment Form
(rev. August 2024)
- BC3NP Fax Cover Sheet
(MDHHS-6212) (rev. January 2025)
All forms can be faxed to MDHHS at 517-763-0290.
- BC3NP and WISEWOMAN Enrollment Form