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October 21-25, 2024: Careers in Energy Week

WHEREAS, access to affordable, reliable energy is fundamental to the lives of all Michigan residents and crucial to businesses; and,

WHEREAS, Michigan’s energy industry currently boasts nearly 122,000 jobs, underscoring the vital need to meet the continuous demand for high-skilled, high-demand talent in this industry and beyond; and,

WHEREAS, our energy industry is transforming energy generation to cleaner, greener, and renewable technologies and infrastructure as older coal-fired generation facilities are retired; and energy efficiency and clean energy sources have become a priority for Michigan residents, businesses and governments; and,

WHEREAS, the MI Future Mobility Plan, MI Healthy Climate Plan, the state’s climate action plan, new landmark clean energy laws, and the recently launched Renewables Ready Communities Program accelerate the deployment of clean energy systems, underscoring the importance of job training and Registered Apprenticeship programs to ensure Michigan workers have the skills needed to fill high-paying, in-demand clean energy jobs while improving access to reliable, clean energy for all Michiganders; and,

WHEREAS, the energy industry has been a priority focus for the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), which has aligned its efforts to champion a demand-driven workforce system through its support of several key sector groups including Advancing Women in Energy, the American Association of Blacks in Energy Michigan Chapter, the Michigan Energy Efficiency Contractors Association, the Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council, and the Michigan Energy Workforce Development Consortium (MEWDC); and,

WHEREAS, LEO has awarded MEWDC more than $2.7 million in competitive grants to integrate additional high-demand occupations into energy education programs through the Talent Pipeline Management methodology and the development of Registered Apprenticeships targeting nearly 1,800 participants, with focus placed on hiring underrepresented populations, earning energy credentials through 2025; and,

WHEREAS, MEWDC is a partnership of more than 50 representatives of industry, education, workforce, labor, government, and veterans celebrating 16 years of dedication to identifying and acting on current and future workforce issues that are crucial to building and sustaining Michigan’s energy industry; and,

WHEREAS, the energy jobs represented by MEWDC member utilities including electric power generation, transmission, distribution and storage, and energy efficiency have collectively hired nearly 1,150 employees since January 2023; and

WHEREAS, the MEWDC has aligned with energy-related associations including the Michigan Energy Efficiency Contractor Association and Michigan Municipal Electric Association; and,

WHEREAS, MEWDC collaborated with the Michigan Department of Education to create Michigan’s 17th “career cluster,” which provides a roadmap for high school, career, and technical education, and community college students to pursue jobs in the often less visible energy sector with more than 1,450 students earning certificates in Energy Industry Fundamentals since 2013; and,

WHEREAS, MEWDC members have a year-round presence in schools and on college and university campuses with a focus on hiring Michigan students, in addition to offering over 450 industry internships, work-based learning, and co-op opportunities for students since January 2023; and,

WHEREAS, during the week of October 21-25, MEWDC members will focus on energy career awareness and career exploration through tours, career fairs, school presentations, and more to increase awareness about the many benefits of energy careers;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim October 21-25, 2024, as Careers in Energy Week in Michigan.