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June 1-9, 2024: Great Lakes and Fresh Water Week

WHEREAS, Michigan is the Great Lakes States, which contains 20% of the world’s fresh water. Michigan is also home to more than 11,000 inland lakes, tens of thousands of miles of rivers and streams, 6.5 million acres of wetlands, 3,200 miles of shoreline along the Great Lakes, 230,000 acres of coastal dunes, and vast groundwater resources; and,

WHEREAS, fresh water is our state’s most significant natural resource, supplying drinking water and supporting state industries such as recreation, tourism, fishing, manufacturing, transportation, and agriculture; and,

WHEREAS, this unmatched resource is vital to the health and physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness of Michiganders and the functioning of a healthy natural environment; and,

WHEREAS, Michigan’s waterways link the wetlands, dunes, coastal, and aquatic ecosystems of the Great Lakes and beyond; and,

WHEREAS, Michigan’s water connects Michiganders to the world through commerce, industry, and recreation; and,

WHEREAS, water links our communities to places and environments beyond our borders, and Michigan must be a leader in protecting this complex and unique ecosystem and resource; and,

WHEREAS, creating resilient Michigan communities is essential to address issues such as climate change, extreme weather events, and economic challenges; and, 

WHEREAS, Michigan’s Great Lakes economy benefits from building a water-literate STEM workforce and advancing knowledge about career pathways centered around our abundant freshwater resources; and, 

WHEREAS, equitable access to affordable, clean water is vital to the health of all Michiganders, and the Office of the Clean Water Public Advocate serves as a conduit to connect to state and local resources; and, 

WHEREAS, the infrastructure to effectively manage our water resources is key to a healthy community and strong economy, and Michigan must maintain and invest in our water infrastructure, including municipal upgrades to drinking water and wastewater infrastructure; and, 

WHEREAS, Michigan seeks to manage our surface water, groundwater, and the Great Lakes in a collaborative and environmentally just manner with local, state, regional, federal, tribal, and provincial partners; and, 

WHEREAS, during this week, we encourage Michiganders to learn more about the unique wonders of our Great Lakes and freshwater resources that are vital to Michigan’s future;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim June 1 – 9, 2024, as Great Lakes and Fresh Water Week in Michigan.