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May 2023: Foster Care Month

WHEREAS, we recognize that nothing is more precious in our great state than the growth and development of our children, and every young person deserves a safe, loving, and stable home; and,

WHEREAS, the family, serving as a child’s primary source of live, identity, self-esteem, and support, is the foundation of our communities and our state; and,

WHEREAS, in the State of Michigan, more than 10,000 children are in foster care; and,

WHEREAS, all children need a meaningful connection to a caring adult who becomes a supportive and lasting presence in their lives; and,

WHEREAS, foster parents and relatives who provide stability for children and support for their parents are unsung heroes; and,

WHEREAS, foster, kinship, and adoptive families who open their hearts and homes, and support children whose families are in crisis play a vital role in helping children and families heal and reconnect, launching young people into successful adulthood; and, 

WHEREAS, there are many people in public and private organizations, the courts, and in the community who work to increase public awareness of the needs of children in and leaving foster care; and, 

WHEREAS, we join with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to thank individuals, families, and public and private organizations that provide support and security to the children in their care, and welcome this opportunity to share the message that we are always in need of caring foster parents;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim May 2023 as Foster Care Month in Michigan. I encourage all Michiganders to commit to supporting our children in any manner they can – fostering a child, mentoring young people in need of guidance, or donating time to help families and children in need. Working together, we can help build a brighter future for our state and continue to provide hope to many more of Michigan’s children and their families.