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Governor Whitmer Extends Executive Orders Temporarily Suspending Evictions & Imposing Restrictions on Price Gouging


April 17, 2020 



Governor Whitmer Extends Executive Orders Temporarily Suspending Evictions Imposing Restrictions on Price Gouging 


LANSING, Mich. – Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-54 and 2020-53 to extend her previous orders to suspend evictions and enhance restrictions on price gouging. 


Executive Order 2020-54 continues to allow tenants and mobile home owners to remain in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic even if they are unable to stay current on their rent.  


To ensure front line workers and Michiganders have access to all necessary products during the COVID-19 pandemic, Executive Order 2020-53 extends the restrictions on excessive pricing of goods, materials, emergency supplies, and consumer food items.  


“Right now the most effective tool we have to fight this virus is to stay home and slow the spread through person to person contact. That is why it is important to extend my executive order to suspend evictions so people can focus on staying home and staying safe,” said Governor Whitmer. “And by continuing to enforce restrictions on price gouging, we can protect consumers and ensure more Michigan families can protect themselves from the spread of COVID-19.” 


Executive Order 2020-54 prohibits entering premises for the purpose of evicting a resident, and prohibits landlord from demanding possession of premises for nonpayment. It also authorizes the Michigan Supreme Court to stay eviction-related proceedings until after the COVID-19 emergency has passed. 


Just like under the previous order, Executive Order 2020-53 prohibits a person from selling any product at a price that's more than 20% higher than what they paid for it as of March 9, 2020, unless it is not an emergency supply and costs more than $1,000. The only exceptions to this are if they can prove that the price increase is attributable to an increase in cost of bringing the product to market or an extraordinary discount was in effect as of March 9, 2020 


Both orders take effect immediately and continue until May 15, 2020. 


To view executive order 2020-54 and 2020-53 click the links below:  

