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Governor Whitmer Calls on FEMA to Waive Cost-Sharing Requirements for Federal Assistance in Battling COVID-19

For Immediate Release 

April 17, 2020

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Governor Whitmer Calls on FEMA to Waive Cost-Sharing Requirements for Federal Assistance in Battling COVID-19

LANSING, Mich. — Governor Gretchen Whitmer this week sent a letter to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requesting cost-sharing requirements for emergency work be waived for the State of Michigan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

On March 27, 2020, at Gov. Whitmer’s request, President Trump granted the State of Michigan a Major Disaster Declaration and ordered federal assistance to supplement state, tribal, and local recovery efforts for the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the Public Assistance program, emergency work, including Direct Federal Assistance, is authorized at 75% federal funding, and state, tribal, and local entities are responsible for the remaining 25%. Gov. Whitmer is requesting FEMA increase the federal cost-share to 100%.

“FEMA is authorized to increase the federal cost-share to 100% for emergency work, including Direct Federal Assistance, ‘if warranted by the needs of a disaster,’” Gov. Whitmer wrote. “I believe that the extreme nature of the necessary COVID-19 response far exceeds the capability of the State of Michigan and warrants the full resources and support of the federal government.”

On March 26, Gov. Whitmer sent a request for a Major Disaster Declaration for the State of Michigan and requested the President waive the state’s cost-sharing requirement. Though the President granted the Major Disaster Declaration, the state’s 25% cost-share was not waived.

“This pandemic has come at an enormous human, financial and social cost, one that Michigan alone cannot sustain without further federal assistance,” Gov. Whitmer wrote. “I request FEMA increase the federal cost-share to 100% for emergency work and Direct Federal Assistance to bring the full resources and power of the Federal Government to support Michigan’s efforts to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

To view the full letter, click the link below:
