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Executive Order 2020-181: Amendment to the Safe Start order - RESCINDED

In order to limit the spread of COVID-19 in indoor spaces, this order clarifies that indoor social gatherings and organized events among persons not part of the same household remain limited to 10 people or fewer statewide.

Acting under the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and Michigan law, I find it reasonable and necessary, for the reasons outlined above, to order:

1. Subsection (d) is added to Section 8 of the Safe Start order (Executive Order 2020- 176), providing: “In Regions 6 and 8, an indoor social gathering or indoor organized event among persons not part of the same household is permitted provided that the gathering or event does not exceed 10 people and complies with the social distancing requirement of subsection 6(a)(1) of this order.”

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan.
Click to view the full PDF of the executive order.
