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June 30, 2021: Social Media Day

WHEREAS, June 30, 2021 marks the twelfth global celebration of Social Media Day and the ninth statewide celebration of Michigan Social Media Day; and,


WHEREAS, social media has created vibrant communities for citizens to openly communicate with each other throughout the world; and,


WHEREAS, the use of technologies, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, video live streaming, and audio podcasts create a more accessible and participatory global conversation and exchange of information; and,


WHEREAS, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of social media has been more important than ever, ensuring people are connected to each other and acting as a platform for updated information regarding testing, vaccinations, and more; and,


WHEREAS, Michigan Social Media Day celebrates the advancements of technology, digital innovation, and the connectedness that social media provides in its increasing influence on government, business, and education; and,


WHEREAS, the public is encouraged to learn more at and participate in Michigan Social Media Day by using hashtags #SMDay and #SMDayMI on social media;


NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim June 30, 2021 as Social Media Day in Michigan.