Fiscal Year 2025 Special Grants Report
12th District Court Project
Recipient: 12th District Court
Appropriated: $1,000,000
Disbursed: $0
Boilerplate Section: 990
Sponsor: Shink
The grant will be used to improve the security of the 12th District Court which will provide a safer environment for judges, staff, and the public who have business before the court.
38th District Court Project
Recipient: City of Eastpoint
Appropriated: $1,000,000
Disbursed: $0
Boilerplate Section: 991
Sponsor: Klinefelt
The City of Eastpointe will be using this funding to construct a new facility to be used jointly by the Eastpointe Police Department and the 38th District Court.
Additional Local Prosecutor Support
Recipient: Eaton County Prosecutors Office
Appropriated: $250,000
Disbursed: $0
Boilerplate Section: 992
Sponsor: Witwer
In every county, prosecutor offices are suffering from a lack of available funding and as a result every office has a backlog of cases waiting to be reviewed. Recruitment of qualified candidates and retention of experienced assistant prosecuting attorneys is a contributing factor to the backlog of cases. This funding is intended to be utilized to assist the selected county in reducing their current backlog of cases through whatever means they are able to do so, and as a result helping to increase public safety in said county.
City of Flint for Public Safety
Recipient: City of Flint
Appropriated: $1,500,000
Disbursed: $0
Boilerplate Section: 1502(a)
Sponsor: Neeley
This grant will be used for retention and recruitment bonuses, adjustments to the pay scale and potentially other types of recruitment opportunities for public safety officers in the City of Flint.
Flint Community Education Initiative
Recipient: Flint Center for Educational Excellence
Appropriated: $3,500,000
Disbursed: $0
Boilerplate Section: 1502(b)
Sponsor: Cherry
The purpose of this project is to develop a replicable and scalable model that creates thriving communities by transforming a Flint neighborhood into a hub for child, family, and community prosperity. By leveraging mixed-income housing partnerships, the ThriveZone model will be anchored by a community hub, offering early childhood education and/or after-schoool programs, and supplemental support services, with a focus on holistic neighborhood transformation. Funds requested through the proposed special grant will be used for (1) the acquisition of educational and/or commercial property and adjacent vacant real estate within the identified neighborhood, (2) the construction or renovation of a community hub, and (3) project management and fees for facility acquisition and construction/renovation.
United Way of Genesee County for Unhoused Care Programs
Recipient: United Way of Genesee County
Appropriated: $5,000,000
Disbursed: $0
Boilerplate Section: 1502(c)
Sponsor: Cherry
$5,000,000.00 must be awarded to the United Way of a county with a population between 404,000 and 407,000 according to the most recent federal decennial census to build the infrastructure and delivery systems to modernize a continuum of care program for services to unhoused individuals. The United Way of Genesee County is such a United Way. Funds will be used to support nonprofit organizations and systems that are within the MI-505 Continuum of Care to create efficiencies and improvements to transition unhoused individuals to stable housing. A diverse independent review committee appointed by the United Way board will recommend funding decisions to the United Way Board of Directors full final approval.
United Way of Genesee County for Creating Affordable Housing
Recipient: United Way of Genesee County
Appropriated: $10,000,000
Disbursed: $0
Boilerplate Section: 1502(d)
Sponsor: Cherry
$10,000,000.00 must be awarded to the United Way of a county with a population between 404,000 and 407,000 according to the most recent federal decennial census for the purpose of creating affordable housing opportunities. The United Way of Genesee County is such a United Way. Funds will be leveraged with both large scale and smaller development projects planned in the MI-505 area to create more affordable housing opportunities. In addition robust programs designed to increase home ownership will be supported. A diverse independent review committee appointed by the United Way board will recommend funding decisions to the United Way Board of Directors full final approval.
City of Flint for Qualified Retirement Payments
Recipient: City of Flint
Appropriated: $27,000,000
Disbursed: $0
Boilerplate Section: 1502(e)
Sponsor: Cherry
$27M in funding will be contributed to the Flint Pension Fund. For years, the city has struggled to make an actuarial determined contribution (ADC) given the funding level of the pension system. This grant will go directly to fund the city’s long-term liabilities.