LADF Email Subscription
In order to disseminate information in a more timely and effective manner, the Local Audit and Finance Division (LAFD) will now correspond electronically all numbered letters, bulletins, etc. This Numbered Letter serves as the only notice that the LAFD will no longer send numbered letters, bulletins, etc., to users of such information via the U.S. Postal Service. The LAFD will now correspond electronically in two ways:
All numbered letters, bulletins and other information will be placed on the Treasury Department Website at When you reach the site, click on "Local Government" on the left side of the page and then click on "Accounting Information." All numbered letters will be placed under the heading of Numbered Letters according to the year the numbered letter was issued. Other information such as the Michigan Committee on Governmental Accounting and Auditing Statements will be under the heading of Local Government Audit Information.
All numbered letters, bulletins and other information will also be sent as an e-mail attachment to all interested parties who supply the LAFD with its e-mail address. The LAFD has set up an email list which will allow it to automatically update its list of e-mail addresses. This system requires that all parties who wish to receive electronic correspondence from the LAFD must subscribe to the list. This will put you on our email mailing system. To include your email in our listing, please subscribe using the following link:
If you wish to unsubscribe, click the link above to manage or cancel your subscription.