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Wednesday, March 17, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, Meeting Minutes

School District of the City of Muskegon Heights

Receivership Transition Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams


  1. Call to Order
    1. Chair Jessica Thomas called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
    2. In accordance with Public Act 228 of 2020, this meeting will be held by remote participation. 
  2. Roll Call
    1. Members Present-4
  • Dr. Dale K. Nesbary - Muskegon, MI
  • John Schrier - Muskegon, MI
  • Jessica Thomas - Birmingham, MI
  • Dr. Patrice Johnson - (Arrived 4:28pm)
  1. Members Absent - 1
  • Clinton Todd

A quorum was present.

  1. Approval of RTAB Minutes
    1. Motion made by Dr. Nesbary and seconded by Mr. Schrier to approve the draft minutes of the RTAB February 17, 2021 meeting. The RTAB members unanimously approved the meeting minutes as presented.
  2. Communications
    1. Chair Thomas provided updates on two communications received from Muskegon Heights Public School Academy. She also informed the meeting that additional communication was received after the deadline that will be included in next month's packet.
  3. Old Business
    1. Chair Thomas stated that the members of the Receivership Transition Advisory Board (RTAB) will be provided with updated information as it becomes available related to the status and future of the RTAB.
  4. New Business
    1.  District Financial Update
      1. Mr. Lewis (calling from Muskegon Heights, MI) discussed the cover sheet sent to the RTAB.
    2. February Financial Status Report
      1. Liabilities Report
        1. Mr. Lewis reported that there was no change from the previous report.
      2. Cash Flow Projections
        1. Mr. Lewis reported that the cash flow continues to remain healthy and there are no major changes.  Chair Thomas asked the impact of the building repairs on the cash flow.  Mr. Lewis stated it would be an offset and only a $3,000 difference between revenue and expenditure due to the deductible.
      3. Comparison of Budgeted Revenue and Expenditure to Actual
        1. Mr. Lewis discussed the budget to actual report and stated that the budget has not been amended because the proposed amendment still needed to be approved by RTAB.  Tax disbursements are coming soon, and expenditure appears to be in line to date.  Chair Thomas asked Mr. Lewis to walk through any changes.  Mr. Lewis stated revenues are somewhat behind and there are delays with some of the tax revenue.  The reimbursement revenue from the insurance claims along with the corresponding expenditure will be soon as the projects are complete or nearly completed. 
        2. Dr. Nesbary noted that Muskegon Community College has noticed delays in tax revenue as well.  Mr. Schrier queried if the reports are taken into consideration of tax repayments or taxes that are not collected.  Mr. Lewis explained there is a line in the budget to account for this and noted historically there have been no charges.  Mr. Schrier discussed several scenarios of potential upcoming tax risks and changes with businesses who were impacted by the pandemic and wanted to ensure this was taken into account.  Mr. Lewis stated that he is not aware of any significant changes but will consider any changes.
    3. Review and Approval of the School District of the City of Muskegon Heights Receivership Transition Advisory Board FY 2021 Budget Amendment #1
      1. Chair Thomas discussed the proposed budget amendment which was approved by the Muskegon Heights Public School Board and is before the Receivership Transition Advisory Board (RTAB) for approval at today's meeting.
    4. RTAB Resolution 2021-2
      1. Motion made by Dr. Nesbary and seconded by Mr. Schrier to approve the proposed FY 2021 budget amendment #1. The RTAB members unanimously approved the FY 2021 budget amendment #1 as presented.
  5. Public Comment
    1. Rané Garcia - Superintendent, Muskegon Heights Public School Academy
    2. Trinell Scott - Board President, Muskegon Heights Public School District
  6. Board Comment
    1. Mr. Schrier extended apologies to Mr. Lewis regarding the potential upcoming tax issues.  He stated his comments was not intended to be offensive, he was only trying to note what he was seeing in the field and wanted to ensure that the District was considering all the potential scenarios.  
  7. Adjournment
    1. There being no further business, Chair Thomas adjourned the meeting at 4:36 pm.