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First Quarter 2020

This is a list of decisions issued by the Tribunal from January - March, 2020 . The actual Opinions may be viewed by clicking on the docket number. If you do not have Adobe Reader on your system, you will need to download Download a free copy of Adobe Reader in order to view the Opinions.

Docket No. Case Name Issue Date
18-000446 Carl E. & Carol V. Wiseman vs. City of Wyoming January 2, 2020
18-003877, 18-003878, 18-003740 & 18-003742 Consolidated Empire Iron Mining Partnership and The Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company v Tilden Township and Richmond Township January 9, 2020
19-001186 West Michigan Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church v City of Grand Rapids January 23, 2020
18-000443 Corrected Carl E & Carol V Wiseman v City of Kentwood February 7, 2020
18-000446 Corrected Carl E & Carol V Wiseman v City of Kentwood February 7, 2020
18-001381 Washtenaw Commons LLC & NEJ Washtenaw LLC v City of Ann Arbor February 19, 2020
18-001374 Old National Bank v Ada Township February 28, 2020
18-003822, 18-003823, 18-003824 & 18-003825 Consolidated The Salvation Army v Addison Township March 3, 2020
18-002700 RGP Inc dba Quality Team 1 v City of Highland Park March 4, 2020