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Reporting Forms

The forms below are intended for use by employers. To make sure you always have the most current form, please print only enough for your immediate needs.

Please do not photocopy and stock ORS forms.

Reporting Forms and Worksheets

Request for Adjusting DTL4 Records Prior to October 2015 (R3490C)
Complete this form if you are adjusting a Detail 4 record with a pay period reported before October 2015.

Request for Adjusting Records Prior to October 1, 2002 (R3489C)
Complete this form if you are adjusting a Detail 2 record with a pay period reported before October 1, 2002. 

Employer Statement Reconciliation Worksheet (R0800C)
A worksheet to use when reconciling the monthly employer statement.

Reconciling the Employer Statement (R0799C)
Helpful directions on how to reconcile the monthly employer statement. 

Balancing Final Payroll Details Instructions and FPD Balancing Worksheet
Instructions and a worksheet to help you balance the final payroll details report for a retiring employee.

Tax-Deferred Payment (TDP) Forms

Tax-Deferred Payment (TDP) Forms can be found on our member website. 

Other Forms

UAAL Remittance Advice for Universities (R0411C)
If your reporting unit is a university, use this form to report Non-Member/Non-ORP employee wages, employee count, and calculate any UAAL payments due. The form calculates required payment amounts using UAAL rates that change each fiscal year, so be sure to use the form for the current fiscal year.

Payroll Calendar Submission and Change Request (R1073C)
Use this form to submit changes to your reporting unit's payroll calendar. If you are a new reporting unit this form will need to be submitted to ORS before reporting can begin. Important Note: Adjustments to your payroll calendar will result in changes to your report and payment due dates. Calendar changes will not be accepted in the event a pay period end date falls on a holiday or weekend.

Retiree Employment Certification (R0851C)
If your reporting unit is a charter school or public school academy that currently does not report to ORS, use this form to advise ORS that your school has a retiree of Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System if the retiree was hired through a third party contractor or as an independent contractor; retired on or after July 1, 2010; and performs a core service, as defined by ORS. For more information, see Charter Schools and Public School Academies. (Reporting units that currently report to ORS do not need this form and should report retirees who returned to work using the appropriate codes as instructed in Chapter 7: Payroll Reporting of the Reporting Instruction Manual.)

New Employer Information (R0910C)
Use this form to submit required information to ORS about your new reporting unit.

Reporting Unit Status Change: Closing, Inactive, or Annexing (R1048C)
Use this fillable form to notify ORS that your reporting unit will no longer be reporting to ORS because you are either closing, going to inactive status, or annexing with another reporting unit. Submit this form at least 30 days in advance of your change of status. ORS will work with your reporting unit to properly close out your account so that you can avoid late fees and interest charges.

Web Administrator Authorization (R0687C)
Use this form to apply for authorization as a new web administrator for a reporting unit. Please note that this form must be signed by the superintendent.

Payment Processor Authorization (R0842C)
Use this form to apply for authorization as a new payment processor for a reporting unit. Please note that this form must be signed by the superintendent.

Member Contribution, TDP, and Redeposit Resolution (R0449C)
The school board must sign this resolution stating that the reporting unit will pick-up member contributions and permits the reporting unit to pick-up the employee portion of contributions resulting in the tax deferral of employee contributions. Please note that this form must be signed by the board secretary. 

IRS Form 2848 for MI ORS
This form is required to voluntarily participate in the closing agreement ORS coordinated with MPSERS to make payments on behalf of each Reporting Unit as an administrative expense at a reduced user fee.