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Outdoor Adventure Center - OAC Family Campout

group of kids roasts marshmallows over campfire pit

Outdoor Adventure Center - OAC Family Campout

2025-07-11T17:00:00Z 2025-07-12T09:00:00Z Outdoor Adventure Center - OAC Family Campout

Check-in: Friday, July 11, from 5-6 p.m.

Checkout: Saturday, July 12, from 8-9 a.m.

Celebrate the OAC’s 10th anniversary with a summer campout! Pitch a tent on our front lawn and enjoy fishing, archery, games and more. We’ll end the night with a campfire and s’mores and wake up to a pancake breakfast inside the OAC.

S’mores kits, crafts and a pancake breakfast will be provided for every registered guest.

Need a tent? No problem! Loaner tents are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Request loaner equipment at the time of your reservation. Emails will be sent after registration with loaner tent assignment.

Each site can accommodate up to six people with an eight-person tent. Don’t forget to pack a sleeping bag, air mattress and pillow!

Preregistration required. Fee: $35 per site. Maximum six people per site.

MEMBER registration begins April 8 at 8 a.m.
GENERAL registration begins April 15 at 8 a.m.

Register for OAC Family Campout.

1801 Atwater Street, Detroit, Michigan, 48207
Event Date

Start: July 11, 2025 5:00 PM

End: July 12, 2025 9:00 AM

Contact Information
Outdoor Adventure Center

Check-in: Friday, July 11, from 5-6 p.m.

Checkout: Saturday, July 12, from 8-9 a.m.

Celebrate the OAC’s 10th anniversary with a summer campout! Pitch a tent on our front lawn and enjoy fishing, archery, games and more. We’ll end the night with a campfire and s’mores and wake up to a pancake breakfast inside the OAC.

S’mores kits, crafts and a pancake breakfast will be provided for every registered guest.

Need a tent? No problem! Loaner tents are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Request loaner equipment at the time of your reservation. Emails will be sent after registration with loaner tent assignment.

Each site can accommodate up to six people with an eight-person tent. Don’t forget to pack a sleeping bag, air mattress and pillow!

Preregistration required. Fee: $35 per site. Maximum six people per site.

MEMBER registration begins April 8 at 8 a.m.
GENERAL registration begins April 15 at 8 a.m.

Register for OAC Family Campout.