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Outdoor Adventure Center - Bow Hunter Education

silhouette of hunter drawing back bow at sunset

Outdoor Adventure Center - Bow Hunter Education

2025-03-30T09:00:00Z 2025-03-30T13:00:00Z Outdoor Adventure Center - Bow Hunter Education

The main purpose of the bow hunter education course is to build upon the basic hunter education course, concentrating on safe and responsible bow hunting. Topics include bow hunting techniques, archery equipment, tree stand safety, ethics, and laws and regulations. Bow hunter education is not required in Michigan; however, it is required in other states, and this certification may satisfy other states’ requirements.

There are two different formats for successfully completing the field day course. Students must take either the online course or the take-home study, then complete the field day in order to earn a bow hunter safety certificate. Students choosing the online course followed by the field day must present a copy of their certificate of completion (voucher) from the online course at the start of the field day. The certificate of completion (voucher) from the online course is valid for 12 months after the completion date. The second format is take-home study. Students register for the field day and pick up the student manual a minimum of one week prior to the field day. Take-home study students must complete the chapter review questions and present them to the class instructors at the start of the field day.

Participants must be age 10 or older. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Preregistration is required.

Register for Bow Hunter Education.

1801 Atwater Street, Detroit, Michigan, 48207
Event Date

Start: March 30, 2025 9:00 AM

End: March 30, 2025 1:00 PM

Contact Information
Outdoor Adventure Center

The main purpose of the bow hunter education course is to build upon the basic hunter education course, concentrating on safe and responsible bow hunting. Topics include bow hunting techniques, archery equipment, tree stand safety, ethics, and laws and regulations. Bow hunter education is not required in Michigan; however, it is required in other states, and this certification may satisfy other states’ requirements.

There are two different formats for successfully completing the field day course. Students must take either the online course or the take-home study, then complete the field day in order to earn a bow hunter safety certificate. Students choosing the online course followed by the field day must present a copy of their certificate of completion (voucher) from the online course at the start of the field day. The certificate of completion (voucher) from the online course is valid for 12 months after the completion date. The second format is take-home study. Students register for the field day and pick up the student manual a minimum of one week prior to the field day. Take-home study students must complete the chapter review questions and present them to the class instructors at the start of the field day.

Participants must be age 10 or older. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Preregistration is required.

Register for Bow Hunter Education.