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State Police Seeks Volunteers to Participate in Training Exercises with Trooper Recruits

The Michigan State Police (MSP) is soliciting citizen volunteers who want to serve as actors in scenario-based training with members of the 142nd Trooper Recruit School and their instructors. The training exercises will be held at the MSP Training Academy in Dimondale between Aug. 5, 2022, and Sept. 23, 2022.

The goal is to create a diverse pool of actors reflective of the communities the MSP serves to provide the most realistic training experience for the recruits. Scenarios may include traffic stops and arrests, domestic violence investigations and civil disputes, and larceny and retail fraud situations, among other topics.

To qualify, applicants must be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s license and their own transportation to the training location. Participants will be subject to a criminal background check, submit to a weapons search on-site, must sign a liability waiver and complete a training course.

Application must be completed online. The deadline to apply is June 24, 2021.

Space is limited. Participants who are selected for the program will be contacted to discuss scheduling.