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November 13, 2024, Meeting Minutes
Meeting of the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission
November 13th, 2024
Williams Building, Lansing, MI
Called to Order:
Chairwoman, Melissa Palepu, called meeting to order at 12:30PM.
Agenda Item:
Call to order and Welcome. Chairwoman Melissa Palepu welcomed Commission members and the public.
Members Present:
- Melissa Palepu
- Katie Papke
- Jonathan Walden
- Michael Draminski
- Hon. Lisa McCormick
- Ben O’Hearn
- Leslie King
- Tiffany Martinez
Not in attendance:
- Alice Johnson
- Jeff Getting
Agenda Item:
Roll Call. Chairwoman Melissa Palepu took roll call of the Commission Members.
Agenda Item:
Action Item: Approval of the Minutes from Wednesday July 31, 2024: The minutes for the July 31, 2024, were not distributed prior to the meeting and so no approval of the minutes occurred. The item was passed until the next Board meeting.
Agenda Item:
Report of the Commission Chair: Chairwoman Palepu stated the House Judiciary just heard testimony and voted on House Bills 5836 – 5854, 5864 and Senate Bills 515-517. All of the Bills passed through the House Judiciary unanimously with a 12-0 vote. The Bills will now continue forward.
The Michigan Association of Broadcasters Student Broadcasters sponsorship is underway, and the students are making their selections and beginning their work. We heard from one school who decided to make a school assembly about human trafficking and bring in a police detective.
The Chairwoman reminded the Board that the Commission has to write a report to the Governor’s Office and Michigan Legislature regarding the work of the Commission and that report is due in February. Committee Chairs need to write a brief summary of the committee work and provide that to the Chair by the first week of January.
Old Business: No old business was discussed.
New Business: Dates for the 2025 calendar year were voted in. The new dates are:
- January 23, 2025, at 12:00pm
- March 10, 2025, at 12:00 pm
- May 19, 2025, at 12:00pm
- July 14, 2025, at 12:00 pm
- September 22, 2025, at 12:00 pm
- November 17, 2025, at 12:00 pm
Committee Chairs provided their updates to the Board. Victim Services Chair Katie Papke indicated victim services is working on a list of victim groups that provide advocacy and funding sources. They are specifically looking at what does a victim need in the first two years for support. The committee created a Microsoft form for agencies to fill out. Public Awareness Committee Chair Tiffany Martinez requested clarification as to whether there is any money available for the committee and was informed there is some money if needed. Funding and Resources Chair Melissa Palepu stated the committee has an email check-in on January 6th, 2025, and the objective is to find grants that are available and to make tips and pointers for grants and place on the website. Data Collection and Research Chair Michael Draminski indicated the committee is actively identifying public data/resources available and is reaching out to the Human Trafficking Advisory Board to look for areas of collaboration. The next meeting is scheduled for January 23rd, 2025. Training and Education Committee Chair Melissa Palepu stated there is a meeting scheduled for January 16, 2025, and the committee did do an email check-in. They are working on putting training resources on the website and broke them into categories. They are also working on a comprehensive list of who offers training and what kinds of trainings are offered. Finally, Policy and Legislation Chair Melissa Palepu provided there is a meeting January 6, 2025. The goal of this committee is to find the laws currently on the books and look at other State’s laws for guidance and comparison.
Chairwoman Palepu brought up the idea of a mixer in 2025 where everyone can meet in person. The MAB offered their offices for a location.
Chairwoman Palepu also mentioned that the Commission needs to create a logo and suggested there be a logo contest for schools and suggested the Public Awareness team take up the contest. Angela Dudley, a Commission volunteer, brought up the idea of opening the logo contest to victims/survivors in foster care.
The last item for New Business was opening the floor to participants of the meeting for any upcoming events or opportunities.
Public Comment: Melissa Palepu opened the floor for public comment.
Announcement of next meeting: The next meeting will be January 23, 2025, both in person at the Williams Building in Lansing and via Teams. If you wish to attend virtually, please get to Melissa Palepu 48 hours before to get the link, please drop your information in the chat if you wish to join the mailing list.
Adjournment: Melissa Palepu adjourned the meeting.