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Invasive Species: Cylindro


(Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii)
*Detected in Michigan*


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  • One of many species of blue-green algae; this species is considered invasive and harmful.
  • Blooms are just below the water surface of fresh water habitats and may appear as foggy green/yellow water.

algae bloom
Photo courtesy of Michigan Sea Grant.

algae bloom
Photo courtesy of Michigan Sea Grant.

Native Range: South America.

U.S. Distribution: Cylindro has been documented in low densities in many inland lakes and reservoirs surrounding the Great Lakes region.

Local Concern: This species of photosynthetic cyanobacteria is capable of forming toxins that are harmful to human health when in bloom. Other organisms are affected by blooms due to fluctuations in oxygen and pH levels.

Means of Introduction: Cylindro was likely introduced to the Great Lakes via ballast water. It can be transported to new water bodies by migrating waterfowl, recreational items or natural water flow.


Cylindro Invasive Species Alert - Printable PDF