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Invasive Species: Permits


When do I need a permit to control or manage invasive species?

Mechanical management

Mechanical management typically includes hand-pulling, mowing, raking cutting, prescribed burning and water level management or flooding.

Chemical management

Chemical management is the application of herbicides, pesticides or other chemicals to plants or water bodies. Before you choose to use chemicals to treat invasive species, be sure you are complying with state regulations. If you decide to apply non-restricted chemicals on your own, be sure to follow all directions as indicated on the product label to protect yourself, others, and the environment.

Using chemical treatment without a permit when required, or failure to follow a permit for treatment of aquatic invasive species is illegal. Review part 33 of the Natural Resources Environmental Protection Act (451 of 1994).

  • Waters of the State:
    • Defined as groundwaters, lakes, rivers, and streams and all other watercourses and waters, including the Great Lakes, within the jurisdiction of this state. Chemical treatment of waters of the state generally requires a permit. Visit EGLE’s Aquatic Nuisance Control page or call 517-284-5593 for more information.
  • Great Lakes or Lake St. Clair shorelines:
    • A permit is always required for all chemical treatments below the ordinary high-water mark, regardless of whether there is standing water. Visit EGLE’s Aquatic Nuisance Control page or call 517-284-5593 for more information.
  • Areas that will not impact waters of the state:
    • No permit is required for chemical management using non-restricted chemicals on your own property.
    • You may not utilize any management measures on someone else’s land or public land without written permission from the landowner.
  • Restricted use chemicals:

Other invasive plant management methods

Local permits

Please contact your local units of government, including counties and townships, as they may have additional requirements or restrictions covering these activities.

Managing other invasive species

  • Mute swans:
  • Russian boars:
    • Under Michigan law, any hunter with any valid Michigan hunting license can shoot Russian boars on sight while hunting.
    • A Michigan concealed pistol license holder may also shoot Russian boars. 
    • Private property owners may also shoot any Russian boars on their property and do not need to be in possession of a hunting license.
    • If a hunter harvests a Russian boar, he or she is encouraged to provide samples for disease testing by contacting USDA-Wildlife Services at 517-336-1928.
    • Learn more about the rules for hunting or shooting Russian boar in Michigan's Hunting Digest.
  • Operation of a mobile boat wash for AIS decontamination: