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Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board Meeting Notice


of the 



Please take notice that the Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board has scheduled the following meeting:

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Michigan Department of Treasury Richard H. Austin Building

State Treasurers' Board Room, 1st Floor SE 430 West Allegan Street

Lansing, Michigan 48922



The meeting site is handicapped accessible, including parking. Individuals with disabilities who need mobility, visual, hearing, and/or other assistance for effective participation should indicate such needs. All such requests should be directed to Kristin Brown at 517-335-7469, at least 18 hours before the meeting.

All meetings for this Board are special or called meetings. Because these are not regularly scheduled meetings, we recommend that you call 18 hours in advance to confirm that this meeting will still take place.

The meeting is open to the public and this notice is provided under the Open Meetings Act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275. 

During public comment each person is allowed up to two (2) minutes to address the Board. Each person shall identify himself/herself by name. If the person is representing an organization or group, the person is requested to indicate whether his/her comments or presentation represents the official view of the organization or group. The Board is not obligated to comment or answer questions in response to issues raised by the public.

Any individual who requires additional assistance for effective participation should direct a request for assistance to Kristin Brown at 517-335-7469 in advance of the meeting. You can also join the meeting by using a conference call line. Instructions for joining this meeting are listed below. 

Dial In

Join by dialing the phone number and conference ID# listed below:


Conference ID: 3764895#