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Spotted Lanternfly

Adult spotted lantern fly with wings open and wings closed

Spotted Lanternfly

Help stop the spread

If you see spotted lanternfly:

  • Take a picture
  • Squish it
  • Report it
Report spotted lanternfly

What is spotted lanternfly?

(Lycorma delicatula)

Spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect that has been found in Michigan. It feeds on a wide range of fruit, ornamental and woody trees, with tree-of-heaven being one of its preferred hosts. It can move long distances by hitchhiking or laying egg masses on vehicles, outdoor equipment and firewood. This pest can have negative effects on specialty crops and be a nuisance in outdoor areas.


Spotted lanternfly's favorite hosts are tree of heaven and grapes, but they can be found anywhere outdoors. Look for these different life stages:

Spotted lanternfly egg mass on a tree

1.5 inches long.

Found on outdoor surfaces such as trees and vehicles. Egg masses resemble old chewing gum with a gray, waxy, putty-like coating.

Most visible September-May.

Juvenile stage spotted lanternfly on a green leaf

1/4 - 1/2 inch long.

Found on a variety of crops, plants and trees. Wingless and beetle-like, black with white spots, red patches as they mature.

Most visible May - September.

Adult stage spotted lanternfly with closed wings on a tree

About 1 inch long.

Found on a variety of crops, plants and trees. Folded wings are gray/brown with black spots. Open wings show yellow, black, red.

Most visible August - October.

Spotted lanternfly photos

The following images can help identify spotted lanternfly. Click on each photo for descriptions.

Common look-alikes

Before reporting, please review some common native insects that are often mistaken for spotted lanternfly.

Spotted lanternfly look-alikes
Watch list, detected in Michigan

This species is on Michigan's invasive species watch list and has been detected in Michigan.

Additional species info


Spotted lanternfly prefers to feed on the invasive tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), but also will feed on a wide range of plants including grapes, and other trees such as black walnut, river birch, willow, sumac and red maple.


Native to Eastern Asia, the spotted lanternfly has spread in several eastern states, including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio and others. In Michigan it has been detected in areas of Lenawee, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland and Wayne Counties.

Local concern

Spotted lanternfly feeds on more than 70 different plants including grapes, apples, hops and hardwood trees. The insects cause direct damage by sucking sap from host plants and secreting large amounts of a sugar-rich, sticky liquid called honeydew. This honeydew and the resulting black sooty mold can kill plants and foul surfaces. The honeydew often attracts other pests like yellow jackets, flies, and ants, affecting outdoor recreation and complicating crop harvests.

How it spreads

Although spotted lanternflies cannot fly long distances, they lay eggs on nearly any surface like cars, trailers, firewood, outdoor furniture and more. Before leaving an infested area, check vehicles, firewood and outdoor equipment for unwanted hitchhikers.


Spotted Lanternfly - A Guide for Homeowners and Residents in Michigan - MSU Extension

Spotted Lanternfly Management Guide - Penn State Extension

Spotted lanternfly management and pesticide safety - Penn State University