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Renewal Information for Surplus Lines Licensees

Section 500.240(1)(i) of the Michigan Insurance Code, MCL 500.240(1)(i), requires all resident and non-resident surplus lines producers and business entity (agency) producers to pay an annual renewal fee of $100.00 before the license expires on March 31. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.

NOTE: A surplus lines agency will become inactive if the renewal fee is paid for the agency, but the renewal fee is not paid for the only surplus lines producer affiliated with the agency.

The Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) has implemented an online renewal process through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR), at The website will be available annually from February 1 through March 31. The website allows each licensee and agency to renew the license online through the appropriate renewal links; using their NPN or FEIN and paying appropriate license renewal fees with a valid credit card. In addition to the renewal fee, NIPR charges a $5.00 service fee for utilizing this service on their website.

After renewing online, a receipt can either be printed or emailed to confirm the renewal fee was submitted and paid. The next business day, the licensee/agency record will reflect an updated expiration date, and a new license will automatically be generated and mailed to the mailing address on file. Additionally, licensees/agencies can view their updated license record information using the Insurance Agent Locator or the Insurance Agency Locator on the DIFS website.

Voluntary Surrender

If the license is no longer needed, the licensee may submit a request to voluntarily surrender the entire license or to surrender selected lines of authority by sending a signed, dated FIS 2328 Voluntary Surrender Request Form to the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) as indicated on the form.

Cancellation and Reinstatement

Renewals not paid by March 31 will result in cancellation of the license and the license status will be changed to inactive.  Notification of a canceled license will be sent to the mailing address on file.

Inactive licensees who want to reinstate their license should review the steps for this process on the web page:

Reinstatement of a Surplus Lines Producer License
Reinstatement of a Surplus Lines Agency License

Questions regarding the renewal process may be sent to