Deep concern for the current social and educational situation in this country created the incentive for STARBASE. The statistics linking young people to crime and drugs are staggering, and the shrinking pool of high school graduates, lack of preparation in science and math, and declining interest in engineering and science careers among our youth is leading this country toward a dramatic shortage of technically educated personnel in the 21st century.
STARBASE is responding directly to this need for establishing and maintaining the interest in math and science with our nation's children by targeting its mission with minority and "at-risk" students in the fifth and sixth grades. Through STARBASE, the participants interact with caring mentors and positive role models, become involved with inspiring hands-on activities, and have the opportunity to develop their teamwork and goal-setting skills. The time spent at STARBASE sparks children with an enthusiasm to learn and elevates their confidence, motivating them to lead successful, self-satisfying, drug-free lives.
A military facility provides the perfect setting for STARBASE. Its unique resources give varied and stimulating platforms to the curriculum. Unmatched anywhere else, the installation grants an unprecedented perspective of the real-world application of math, science, and technology. The students also have the chance to visit many work places while on the facility (e.g., pilot life support, the fire department, the control tower, and the air museum), and they get close-up looks at technologically advanced aircraft such as the F-16, KC-135, and C-130.
Here's what the community has to say about STARBASE:
"I feel that this program has gotten my grandson's attention like no other subject. This kid is very excited. Every kid should get this opportunity."
"I am so enthused with science now, I will start to do research."
--Fifth Grade Student
"The activities you plan give children the proof they need of the importance of math and science to their career... Thank you for helping prepare our children for the high tech demands of the 21st century."
"I learned my dreams can become realities."
"Your program...was excellent. You not only stressed the worth and dignity of each student, you enlarged the students' concerns for an understanding of today's world."
--Fifth Grade Teachers