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Accommodating Employees During COVID-19: For Employers

The State of Michigan, in collaboration with the Small Business Association of Michigan, the Great Lakes ADA Center and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, has developed a presentation centered on answering frequent questions from employers and employees around accommodations, personal protective equipment (PPE) and concerns related to returning to work during COVID-19.

Moderator: Brian Calley, President, Small Business Association of Michigan

Opening Statement: Sean Egan, Deputy Director for Labor and Director of COVID Workplace Safety, Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity


  • Lolita Davis, Outreach and Training Coordinator, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Kim Woolridge, Director, State ADA Compliance Division, Michigan Department of Civil Rights
  • Jenny Piatt, Bureau Division Director, Business Network Division, Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
  • Bill Robinson, Director, Bureau of Services for Blind Persons, Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
  • Annie Urasky, Director, Division of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing, Michigan Department of Civil Rights

These presentations have been post-edited, captioned and uploaded to YouTube:

The following PowerPoint presentations were used during these sessions:

  • Download the Day 1 PowerPoint file
  • Download the Day 2 PowerPoint file

Accessibility Notice: All ADA 30 events hosted by the State of Michigan will include ASL interpreters and closed captioning services. Individuals who need a reasonable accommodation or other assistance for effective participation should contact Alayna Zerlentes (MDCR) at 313-437-7035 or to make their needs known as far in advance as possible, but preferably at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled event. All reasonable efforts will be made to procure requested accommodations prior to the event, but requests may not be guaranteed.

Updated 01/25/2021