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Important Information for Surplus Lines Policy Information Request by Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services

The link below has the Excel spreadsheet in the required format for you to submit the requested surplus lines policy data. This Excel spreadsheet includes two sheets. The first sheet includes formatting instructions and field definitions for the required fields. The other sheet is "Surplus Lines". Below is the definition:

  • "Surplus Lines": This spreadsheet is for policies placed with surplus lines companies through surplus lines producers. See Sec. 500.1903

When you enter the information into the spreadsheet, please note the following -

  • Column headings should stay in the first row in the Excel spreadsheet
  • One line per policy number. No duplicates.
  • Only include Michigan surplus lines policies.
  • Data year requested: 2024
  • Due date: April 25, 2025

Data Request Excel Template

Please email the completed spreadsheet and any questions you may have to You can also reach us at 877-999-6442.

The information you submit will not be subject to disclosure under Michigan's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  Anita G. Fox, the director and chief administrative officer of DIFS, has authorized the promise of confidentiality under section 13(1)(f) of FOIA, Mich. Comp. Laws § 15.243(1)(f):

(1)    A public body may exempt from disclosure as a public record under this act any of the following:

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(f)    Trade secrets or commercial or financial information voluntarily provided to an agency for use in developing governmental policy if:

(i)    The information is submitted upon a promise of confidentiality by the public body.

(ii)    The promise of confidentiality is authorized by the chief administrative officer of the public body or by an elected official at the time the promise is made.

(iii)    A description of the information is recorded by the public body within a reasonable time after it has been submitted, maintained in a central place within the public body, and made available to a person upon request. This subdivision does not apply to information submitted as required by law or as a condition of receiving a governmental contract, license, or other benefit.

Pursuant to section 13(1)(f)(iii), this letter will serve as the recorded description of the information that you have submitted, and it will be maintained by DIFS. If DIFS receives a request for your information under FOIA, the request will be denied, and the requester will only be furnished a copy of the letter.