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Prior Years' Fee Bulletins

Bulletin 2023-16-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2022-14-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2024-16-BT)

Bulletin 2022-14-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2022-13-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2023-16-BT)

Bulletin 2022-13-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2021-28-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2022-14-BT)

Bulletin 2021-28-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2020-28-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2022-13-BT)

Bulletin 2020-28-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2019-10-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2021-28-BT)

Bulletin 2019-10-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2018-15-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2020-28-BT)

Bulletin 2018-15-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2017-10-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2019-10-BT)

Bulletin 2017-10-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2016-16-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2018-15-BT)

Bulletin 2016-16-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2015-15-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2016-16-BT)

Bulletin 2015-15-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2014-13-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2016-16-BT)

Bulletin 2014-13-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2013-15-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2015-15-BT)

Bulletin 2013-15-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2012-11-BT; superseded by Bulletin 2014-13-BT)

Bulletin 2012-11-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2011-13-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2013-15-BT)

Bulletin 2011-13-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2010-15-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2012-11-BT)

Bulletin 2010-15-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2009-12-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2011-13-BT)

Bulletin 2009-12-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2008-07-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2010-15-BT)

Bulletin 2008-07-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2007-06-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2009-12-BT)

Bulletin 2007-06-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2005-15-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2008-07-BT)

Letter Regarding Bulletin 2005-15-BT

2006 Letter Continuing Supervisory and Trust Fees

Bulletin 2005-15-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2004-02-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2007-06-BT)

Bulletin 2004-02-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2003-03-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2005-15-BT)

Bulletin 2003-03-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (supersedes Bulletin 2002-04-BT, superseded by Bulletin 2004-02-BT)

Bulletin 2002-04-BT

Bank and Savings Bank Supervisory and Trust Fees (superseded by Bulletin 2003-03-BT)