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Michigan National Guard Logistics Specialists Distribute Medical Equipment During COVID-19 Response

The Michigan National Guard has received a request to aid community healthcare coalitions with supply and logistics management of medical equipment in four cities across the state including Lansing, Pontiac, Rockford, and Taylor.  

The Michigan National Guard is supporting each site with four guard members, a mix of logistical and medical specialists who are assisting the coalitions with planning, distributing, and tracking critical medical supplies across Michigan to assist in the fight against COVID-19.

“These men and women of the Michigan National guard live in your communities as neighbors,” said Maj. Gen. Paul Rogers, Adjutant General and Director of the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. “They are also technical experts that have the skills to support the State of Michigan’s response to COVID-19.”  

State of Michigan emergency managers requested Michigan National Guard personnel to assist community and regional healthcare coalitions with supply chain management. These coalitions are responsible for requesting necessary medical supplies from the state, receiving, and distributing those supplies within their regions.  Supplies come from the national stockpile, donations, or from other regions, and are critically important to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

The Michigan National Guard’s support for this mission is expected to continue through the end of May.   

The Michigan National Guard has been integrated into the state’s emergency response since the Governor announced its activation on March 18.  Across the State of Michigan, the guard is supporting medical screening, assisting at local food banks, augmenting the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC), and supporting efforts for establishing alternate care facilities across Michigan. Title 32 funding for the Michigan National Guard was approved on March 30, providing federal recourses for future humanitarian relief activities by the Michigan National Guard under the authority of the Governor.

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