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Raffle Training-Virtual

2023-04-11T10:30:00Z 2023-04-11T11:30:00Z Raffle Training-Virtual

Charitable Gaming is hosting an online training workshop to discuss all things raffle!  How do I get a raffle license?  What kind of raffle license do I need? How do I account for the tickets sold and money?  Come with your questions.  This event is only scheduled for an hour with plenty of time for questions. Join us!

Tuesday April 11th 1030am-1130am EST

Click Here to Join the Meeting

Or call in (audio only) 1-248-509-0316

Phone Conference ID: 445 817 11#

This online event is free.  No registration is required.  


Event Date

Start: April 11, 2023 10:30 AM

End: April 11, 2023 11:30 AM

Contact Information

Charitable Gaming is hosting an online training workshop to discuss all things raffle!  How do I get a raffle license?  What kind of raffle license do I need? How do I account for the tickets sold and money?  Come with your questions.  This event is only scheduled for an hour with plenty of time for questions. Join us!

Tuesday April 11th 1030am-1130am EST

Click Here to Join the Meeting

Or call in (audio only) 1-248-509-0316

Phone Conference ID: 445 817 11#

This online event is free.  No registration is required.