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Bingo is back. It is a fun game for anyone 18 and over and a great fundraiser for licensed charities. Bingo is a game of chance in which prizes are awarded on the basis of bingo numbers being randomly selected. Even if no fee is charged to play bingo it may still require a license. Players mark off bingo card numbers and attempt to match a previously announced pattern. The player must make his or her bingo known to a worker or caller before the next number is completely called.
There are many different ways to play bingo. For a one time or special event apply for a Special Bingo License. The fee is $25 and is good for up to 7 consecutive days at the same location. A large annual bingo license allows for total prizes (donated, retail, cash) of up to $1,100 per game and $3,500 per session. The Michigan Progressive Jackpot Game can be played only under a large annual bingo license and allows for additional prizes. Charity game tickets can also be sold during a licensed bingo event adding revenue, prizes, and entertainment to your bingo. See our qualify and apply page for links to license descriptions and applications.
Bingo equipment and bingo paper must be purchased from a licensed supplier. Thinking of starting a weekly bingo or trying a bingo game at your next fundraising event? Find a Weekly Bingo to visit first. This is a great way to see how the game is played and what is needed to run a bingo.
Already applied for a special bingo license? Check the status of your Special Bingo License Application.
What Bingo License Does My Organization Need?
Annual Bingo License
A regularly scheduled weekly bingo game can be a steady fundraiser for your organization. While the basics of a bingo night are universal, there are many different types of games that can be played that add excitement to the event.
RETHINK your bingo. If you have an existing weekly bingo consider this opportunity to change your program with two objectives: shorten the longer bingo sessions and eliminate games that are not profitable. When reducing bingo number of games, add one or two speedball games using only bingo-interactive charity game tickets. This will maximize profit and give your licensees additional opportunities to win prizes.
If you have a well-established bingo, you might want to consider linking your bingo with other bingos in your hall or area of town. Talk to your inspector and read through the directives for the Michigan Progressive Jackpot Bingo game.
If your organization has never applied for a gaming license from Charitable Gaming, your organization is required to go through the qualification process before a license can be issued. Print the two-part application and review the game instructions and bingo guide. Learn More About Bingo
Special Bingo License
Your organization can apply for up to four special bingo events per year, each up to seven consecutive days. This is the perfect license for a fair, festival or other event. Themed bingo events, such as "Purse Bingo" or "Designer Bag Bingo" have gained popularity throughout Michigan. Each player attending is charged a set fee to participate. For example, a fee of $30-$50 could include 7 to 10 bingo games and a small meal or snacks.
Carnival style or 50/50 bingo is used at venues where the crowd continuously changes, such as at fairgrounds and festivals. Fifty percent of each game's sales is paid out in cash prizes. Players can come and go at their leisure, purchasing one game at a time.
Where the bingo is not a 50/50, prizes can be merchandise. Get creative in determining prizes your crowd might really enjoy such as gift cards, themed gift baskets, or sporting event tickets. When prizes are donated to an organization from members or local businesses, it reduces expenses and increases profit for the event. The total retail value of all prizes donated or purchased are included in the prize limits of $3,500 for a large license and $300 for a small bingo license. The retail value may be more or less than what was paid for the item.
Sell charity game tickets at your bingo to add entertainment value, increase player prizes, and increase profit without the need of an additional license. Various game styles are available to fit the crowd and type of venue.
Bingo Documents
Bingo Game Forms
- Electronic Bingo Forms Workbook Download
- Electronic Disposable Bingo Card Monthly Inventory Download
- Electronic Hot Ball Accountability Form Download
- Special Bingo Accountability Download
- Michigan Progressive Jackpot Bingo Game Sales/Prize Accountability and Coverall / Instructions Download
- Bingo Coverall Record Download
- Michigan Progressive Jackpot Coverall Record Download
- Bingo Game Records Download
- Disposable Bingo Card Monthly Inventory Download
- Hot Ball Accountability Download
- Transfer of Bingo Equipment Download
- Special Bingo Financial Statement Download
- Electronic Large Bingo Financial Statement Download
- Large or Small Bingo Financial Statement Download
- Bingo Profitability Tool Download
- Bingo License Application - Part 1 Download
- Bingo License Application - Part 2 Download
- Bingo Hall Rental Agreement Download
- Bingo and Chairperson Change Download
- MLBG Participant Agreement Download
Bingo Rules and Directives
- Traxler-Mccauley-Law-Bowman Bingo Act - Act 382 Of 1972 Download
- Bingo-Charitable Gaming Rules - Part 3 Download
- Charity Game Ticket Rules - Part 6 Download
- Hall-Charitable Gaming Rules - Part 10 Download
- Bingo Verification Slips and Voiding Instructions Download
- Bingo Cards (U-Pick 'em) Download
- Cash Registers Download
- Electronic Bingo Card Directive-Bingo and Hall Download
- Bingo Michigan Progressive Jackpot Bingo Game Download
- Bingo Michigan Progressive Jackpot - Electronically Linked Bingo Game Download
- Bingo Michigan Progressive Jackpot Bingo Game (Manually Linked Bingo Game) Download
Bingo Financial Statements
Keeping Bingo Successful
Bingo Profitability
In order to make a profit, bingo licensees must develop smart game programs and exercise control over expenses. Bingo event profitability can be analyzed using an interactive Excel spreadsheet called the Bingo Profitability Tool. Each quarter the health of a bingo can be determined by the net profit or loss indicated on the financial statement. Entering individual stats into the bingo profitability tool will allow you to identify problem areas.
Charitable Gaming Rule 105 prohibits the profits from a gaming event to be used for the benefit of any individuals except to directly further the lawful purposes of the organization. Worker compensation should always be necessary and reasonable.
If you have questions, need additional training, or would like more suggestions on how to change your game program using the results from your analysis, please contact your inspector or Statewide and virtual trainings can be found under Training Resources.
Selling Charity Game Tickets
Bingo has been a popular pastime far before it became legal in 1972. The introduction of charity game tickets quickly added extra revenue to the bingo fundraisers.
Over the years more and more of the charity game ticket sales at bingo is for the seal card and bingo-interactive games. Bingo players like to buy the bingo-interactive games that are offered to play along with a bingo game because even if they don't win the bingo prize, they have a chance at winning a large charity game ticket prize. Never played interactive charity game tickets, check out the video above.
In FY 2019 bingo licensees made $10.4 million from the sale of charity game tickets alone. Check out the available games and contact your licensed supplier to order your Charity Game Tickets.
Charity Game Tickets Available
Event Charity Game Tickets
Bingo and Special Event Favorites
Instant Win Charity Game Tickets
Instant Win Charity Game Tickets
$1 Detroit Tigers™ Charity Game Ticket example picture of ticket face and inside on a post card with orange and blue striped backgroundTickets cannot be sold after March 31st, 2027
$1 Detroit Tigers™
Licensing a Bingo Hall
A location owner wishing to charge a licensed organization for the rental or lease of a building space to conduct bingo must obtain a Hall License.
Traditionally bingo halls are banquet-style locations, complete with bingo equipment. Oftentimes veteran and fraternal clubs hold bingo at their facilities, sometimes charging other organizations to use their facilities to conduct bingo.
Hall and Supplier Documents
Hall Rules and Directives
- Traxler-Mccauley-Law-Bowman Bingo Act - Act 382 Of 1972 Download
- General Provisions-Charitable Gaming Rules - Part 1 Download
- Licensing-Charitable Gaming - Part 2 Download
- Bingo-Charitable Gaming Rules - Part 3 Download
- Hall-Charitable Gaming Rules - Part 10 Download
- Hall Electronic Bingo Cards Download
- Hall Bingo Equipment Maintenance Download
- Hall Rental Fee Restrictions Download
Hall Forms
Licensing Suppliers and Manufacturers
- Supplier Application and Qualification Information Download
- Electronic Bingo Card- Manufacturer Authorization Request Download
- Electronic Bingo Card Directive-Manufacturer and Supplier Download
- Electronic Bingo Card-Supplier Authorization Request Download
- Electronic Bingo Card-Supplier Quarterly Report Download
Worker Compensation and Tax Information
Tax Information
Organizations that sell charity game tickets should be aware of their federal tax responsibilities. Organizations that award a raffle prize greater than $599 or a bingo prize greater than $1,199 should be aware of player withholding responsibilities. These obligations are described in these links.
Service Compensation Schedule
This schedule indicates the maximum amount that can be paid to a chairperson, recordkeeper, person preparing the financial statement, or other workers.