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I misplaced or didn't receive my W-2. How can I get a copy?

For Home Healthcare Providers duplicate W-2 requests, please call the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) at 800-979-4662.

For State of Michigan Employees:

W-2s and 1095-Cs are available electronically through HR Self-Service.

Do you want your W-2 and 1095-C as soon as they are available? With your tax forms now at your fingertips, it puts you in control of when you want to file your tax returns!

Please login to your Employee HR Self-Service account, click "Bookmarks">"Employee Self-Service">"Pay">"Online W-2 & 1095-C".

Never wait again for your tax forms to be mailed. With this new secure online system, all you need to do is opt in to receiving your W-2 and 1095-C electronically and your tax documents will be made available to you and only you. Be sure to opt into both options for quick, easy, and secure access.

Forgot to update your address in HRMN before we mailed your W-2 and 1095-C? No problem! With new State of Michigan Online W-2 and 1095-C Self-Service, just simply opt-in and print!

By choosing to opt in to obtain your W-2 and 1095-C, you can access your forms up to two weeks earlier then receiving them in the mail!

Employee Self-Service just got better. From beginning to end, update and view all of your personal information from your earnings statements, withholding information, city wage tax exemption.....and now, you can even view your W-2 and 1095-C! For step by step instructions on how to opt in to online W-2s, please see Online W-2 and 1095-C Forms Instructions.

If you are not opting in, you may request duplicate W-2s for the last 5 calendar years beginning February 24 by following the instructions below.

1. The Office of Financial Management handles the duplicate W-2 and 1095-C requests. Please submit an email to with a subject line "Please Mail Me My 20XX W-2" and include the information in the bullets below. A copy of your W-2 will then be mailed within two weeks. If we do not receive an email with this subject line, we will assume you no longer need a copy of your W-2 or you have accessed the forms you need online. 

  • Name
  • Employee Identification Number
  • Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
  • A daytime telephone number where you can be reached
  •  Year(s) duplicate W-2 is needed (for up to the most recent 5 years)
  • Current Mailing Address
  • State Government Agency (Corrections, DTMB, etc.)

NOTE: if your need for a duplicate W-2 arises because of a change of address you will need to make sure that your new mailing address is correct in HRMN before requesting a duplicate W-2 (OFM will only mail your duplicate W-2 to the address in HRMN). You may review and update your address in HRMN via your online employee self-service account or by contacting HR Self-Service at 877-766-6447 (Option #1).

2. For those without access to email, please call the Duplicate W-2 and 1095-C Request Line at 517-241-0045 and leave a voice mail with the information in the bullet points below:

  • Name
  • Employee Identification Number
  • Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
  • A daytime telephone number where you can be reached
  • Year(s) duplicate W-2 is needed (for up to the most recent 5 years)
  • Current Mailing Address
  • State Government Agency (Corrections, DTMB, etc.)