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Council Members

The following individuals were appointed by the Governor to the Michigan Autism Council.

Dr. Amy Matthews, LP, BCBA (Chair) - State-funded Initiatives
Dr. Jacob Daar, BCBA (Vice-chair) - State Universities
Dr. Steven Tunnicliff - Intermediate School Districts and Local Schools
Brian DeBano - Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Dr. Colleen Allen - Non-profit Organization Serving those with ASD
Dana Lasenby, MBA - PIHP/CMHPs
Emily DeLaGarza - DIFS
Frank Vaca - ASD Community
Dr. Jeanette Scheid - Children's Services Agency - MDHHS
Jenny Piatt, MA - Michigan Rehabilitation Services/Employment
Krista Boe, MA, BCBA - Certified Behavior Analysts
Rachelle Vartanian
Dr. Neelkamal Soares, MD - Health Care Providers
Patricia Neitman, MHSA- MDHHS Representative
Raymie Postema - Recipient Rights
Shannon Hinman - Michigan Department of Education