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Executive Branch

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Executive Branch

The Executive Branch

The Constitution of 1963 provided that the chief executive officer, the governor (and lieutenant governor), be elected for four years, and that the executive branch be grouped into no more than 20 administrative departments. The governor's chief responsibility is to enforce state laws and maintain order. The governor submits a suggested legislative program and a proposed budget to the Legislature, and appoints certain officials to various state boards and commissions with the consent of the Senate. Most state employees work in the Executive Branch under a comprehensive Civil Service plan. 
In addition to the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Michigan's voters elect two other executive branch officials statewide - the Secretary of State and the Attorney General. While candidates for the governor's office are chosen in the August primary election during the year of a gubernatorial election, candidates for the other positions are nominated by their party during the regular year between presidential elections (voters cast one vote jointly for Governor and lieutenant Governor). An amendment to the constitution adopted by the voters in 1992 limits these elected executives to two terms (eight years). 

Explore State of Michigan executive branch departments below. Have questions? Consider reaching out to our Agency Transparency Liaisons

Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development

The Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (MDARD) works to assure food safety, protect animal and plant health, sustain environmental stewardship, provide consumer protection, enable rural development and foster efficient administration operations through service, partnership and collaboration.


MDARD Website

Michigan Department of Attorney General

The Michigan Attorney General is the top lawyer for the state of Michigan. When public legal matters arise, the Attorney General’s Office renders opinions on matters of law, and provides legal counsel for the legislature and for each officer, department, board, and commission of state government. The Attorney General’s Office provides legal representation in court actions and assists in the conduct of official hearings held by state agencies.


Attorney General Website

Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential 

The Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP) prioritizes education from preschool through postsecondary with a focus on preparing children for kindergarten and helping more people earn a skill certificate or degree to help them get a good paying job. To accomplish this goal, MiLEAP will mobilize all our resources, both inside and outside the classroom, collaborate with leaders at the local, regional, and state level, and develop a plan that will put every Michigander on a path to prosperity.

MiLEAP Website

Michigan Department of Civil Rights

The Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR), investigates and resolves discrimination complaints and works to prevent discrimination through educational programs that promote voluntary compliance with civil rights laws.


Contact MDCR
MDCR Website

Michigan Department of Corrections

The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) administers Michigan's adult prison, probation, and parole systems. The department has jurisdiction over all adults convicted of felonies who are sentenced to prison. Convicted felons who are not sentenced to prison terms are either sentenced to a county jail term or are supervised in the community through a system called probation. Probation services for felons are provided by the department for the various felony courts in Michigan.


Contact MDOC
MDOC Website

Executive Office of the Governor

The Executive Office of the Governor (EOG) supports the state of Michigan's Governor. The Governor is an elected constitutional officer and is the head of the executive branch. The Governor holds the highest state office in Michigan.

EOG Organization
Contact EOG
Governor's Website

Michigan Department of Education

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE), under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, carries out the policies of the State Board of Education. The department implements federal and state legislative mandates in education.


Contact MDE
MDE Website

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) promotes wise management of Michigan's air, land, and water resources to support a sustainable environment, healthy communities, and vibrant economy.


Contact EGLE
EGLE Website

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) strives to promote better health outcomes, reduce health risks, and support stable and safe families while encouraging self-sufficiency.


Contact MDHHS
MDHHS Website

Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services

The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) is responsible for regulating Michigan's banks, credit unions, insurance agents, insurance companies, mortgage companies, and other entities in the insurance and financial services industries. DIFS’ mission is to ensure access to safe and secure insurance and financial services fundamental for the opportunity, security, and success of Michigan residents, while fostering economic growth and sustainability in both industries.


DIFS Website

Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity

The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) provides the connections, expertise and innovative solutions to drive continued business growth, build vibrant communities, create affordable housing, generate tourism and attract and retain key talent to fill Michigan’s vast pipeline of opportunities.


Contact LEO
LEO Website

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) supports business growth and job creation while safeguarding Michigan's residents through a simple, fair, efficient, and transparent regulatory structure.


Contact LARA
LARA Website

Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

The Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) synchronizes strategic, legislative and fiscal initiatives to build and sustain military readiness, care and advocacy for veterans and cultivate purposeful partnerships. Branch operations include Michigan Veteran Homes, Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, State Operations, Army National Guard and Air National Guard which stand in support of our mission to serve every member. 


Contact DMVA
DMVA Website

Michigan Department of Natural Resources

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations.


Contact DNR
DNR Website

Michigan Department of State

The Michigan Department of State (MDOS) is the oldest department of Michigan state government and is administered by the Secretary of State (SOS). The department serves the residents of Michigan with programs designed to administer driver and vehicle systems, enhance traffic safety, protect consumers, ensure integrity of records maintained, and oversee the statewide elections process.


Contact SOS
SOS Website

Michigan State Police

The Michigan State Police (MSP) is a full-service law enforcement agency with statewide jurisdiction, providing over 60 different services either directly to Michigan residents or in support of other law enforcement agencies.  The MSP personnel most visible to the public are the uniform troopers whose primary responsibilities include traffic enforcement, crime prevention and investigation, and community engagement and service. 


Contact MSP
MSP Website

Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget

The Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget (DTMB) promotes a unified approach to information technology management and provides centralized administration of services including auditing, budgeting, employee resources, financial services, fleet management, mail, printing, property management, purchasing, records management, and retirement services for departments and agencies in the executive branch of state government.


Contact DTMB
DTMB Website

Michigan Department of Transportation

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is responsible for Michigan’s 9,669-mile state highway system, comprised of all M, I and US routes. MDOT also administers other state and federal transportation programs for aviation, intercity passenger services, rail freight, local public transit services, the Transportation Economic Development Fund (TEDF), and others.


Contact MDOT
MDOT Website

Michigan Department of Treasury

The Michigan Department of Treasury (Treasury) is responsible for collecting, disbursing, and investing all state monies. The department advises the Governor on all tax and revenue policy, collects and administers over $20 billion a year in state taxes, and safeguards the credit of the state. The department is also responsible for the fiscal health of Michigan’s local governments and schools.


Contact Treasury
Treasury Website

Executive Branch Employee Search

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