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Precision Driving Unit

Precision Driving Unit

The Training Division's Precision Driving Unit provides regularly scheduled precision driving programs to law enforcement personnel from throughout the United States and Canada. These programs include basic driving programs, instructor development programs, pursuit schools, and recruit driver training. Defensive driving lectures are offered for criminal justice agencies as well as private sector organizations. The Precision Driving Unit is also internationally recognized for the testing of pursuit-rated patrol cars through the Police Vehicle Evaluation and Purchasing Program.

Track Location:

The Precision Driving Facility is located on a 42-acre site adjacent to the Michigan State Police Training Academy.

7426 N. Canal Road
Lansing, MI 48913

Precision Driving Unit Phone: 517-282-8710

Track Facts:

  • 42-acre site
  • One-mile highway response course
  • 9-acre precision maneuvering pad (700' x 500')
  • 3-acre skid pad (500' x 200')
  • Off-road recovery lane
  • Classroom/office/observation tower
  • Assigned vehicles
  • Safety equipped
  • Lodging and meals available at the Training Academy
  • Actual cost due to cooperative concept was $1,250,000 (estimated initial cost was $5,000,000)

Student Center

Advanced Precision Driving

Advanced Precision Driving is a 36-hour program aimed at the in-service officer. The curriculum includes 26 hours of hands-on training and 10 hours of classroom instruction.

Precision Driving Instructor Program

The Precision Driving Instructor Program (2 Weeks) is designed to provide training to those individuals who will be actively involved in the training of other police officers, both in-service and recruit levels.

Teenage Defensive Driving Program

Location: MSP Drive Track in Lansing
Teenage Defensive Driving is a 5-hour program aimed at the teenager. The curriculum includes 4 hours of hands-on training and 1 hour of online instruction.

The Psychology of Driving With Intention

This training is designed for the officer who has been involved in crashes due to poor situational decision making. The approach of this training will be to educate the officer on strategies which use intentional objective thought in their decision-making vs. adrenaline or emotion-based thoughts. The training will include classroom instruction and a driving skills refresher.

Vehicle Testing

Police Vehicle Evaluations

The Michigan State Police conducts a police vehicle evaluation each year, extensively testing the latest model year vehicles available for purchase.

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Tire Evaluations

The Michigan State Police conducts tire tests for law enforcement fleet vehicles.