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Traffic Laws FAQs

Updated March 4, 2025

FAQs are grouped by topic. Choose a topic below:



When merging onto a freeway who has the right-of-way?

MCL 257.649(7) answers this question.  A driver entering a roadway from a roadway that is intended for and constructed as a merging roadway and is plainly marked at the intersection with the appropriate merge signs, shall yield the right-of-way to traffic upon the roadway that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard and shall adjust their speed to enable them to merge safely with through traffic.  Simply put, a driver merging onto a freeway must yield to traffic upon the freeway. It must be noted that traffic on the freeway cannot intentionally block a driver from merging by either speeding up or slowing down.

How do I treat a dark traffic signal at an intersection?

When a signal at an intersection loses power and there are no other traffic control devices (e.g., stop sign, yield sign, temporary signal, temporary sign) or police officers present at that intersection to provide direction, the intersection will be treated as a four-way stop. 
MCL 257.649 requires a driver approaching an intersection with a traffic control signal that does not clearly indicate the right of way or is malfunctioning to treat the intersection as a four-way stop by doing the following:

  • Stop at a clearly marked stop line, or, if there is no clearly marked stop line, stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or, if there is no crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection. 
  • Yield the right of way to all vehicles in the intersection or approaching on an intersecting road, if those vehicles create an immediate hazard when the driver is moving across or within the intersection. 
  • Exercise ordinary care while proceeding through the intersection. 

The “four-way stop” rules do not apply to the following:

  • An intersection that is controlled by a traffic control signal that is flashing yellow unless certain events occur, including, but not limited to, activation by an emergency vehicle.
  • A traffic control signal that is located in a school zone and is flashing yellow only during prescribed periods of time.

I recently encountered a new traffic light with 4 different signals including flashing arrows in red, yellow, and green.  What am I supposed to do when the light is flashing a yellow arrow?

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has recently begun replacing the old flashing red signals for left turn lanes at intersections with a new style of signal that incorporates four lights. This is what MDOT has to say about the new signals. "Those lights are a flashing yellow arrow which permits a left turn when oncoming traffic is clear (oncoming traffic has a green light), a steady green arrow allows you to turn left, a steady yellow arrow warns that the left-turn signal is about to turn red, and you should prepare to stop, and a steady red arrow which requires you to stop. The steady red arrow will be followed by a flashing yellow arrow on the next cycle."

Can I turn left on a red light?

MCL 257.612 (1)(c)(ii) states in part, "Vehicular traffic facing a steady red signal, after stopping before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or at a limit line when marked or, if there is no crosswalk or limit line, before entering the intersection, may make…a left turn from a 1-way or 2-way street into a 1-way roadway carrying traffic in the direction of the left turn unless prohibited by sign, signal, marking, light, or other traffic control device.
The same rules apply to turning right on a steady red signal. Unless prohibited, a right turn on a steady red signal may be made from a 1-way or 2-way street onto a 2-way street or a 1-way street carrying traffic in the direction of the right turn. 

Could you please tell me about the laws regarding the proper way to use and traverse a roundabout?

A roundabout is a circular intersection where the entering traffic yields to traffic already in the roundabout, and all traffic travels counterclockwise around the central island. A driver approaching the roundabout should look for signs and pavement markings directing them into the correct lane before entering the roundabout. Drivers should refrain from passing other vehicles within the roundabout and avoid changing lanes.

My husband just got a ticket for running a yellow light. How is that possible? I thought as long as you didn't speed up, you could go through a yellow.

MCL 257.612 states in part, " ...vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection or at a limit line when marked, but if the stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection."

Lane Use

How far can you drive in a center turn lane?

That depends. When preparing for a left turn a driver can travel a "reasonable" distance in the center turn lane.
It is unlawful to use the center left turn lane for a right turn or as a merge lane when entering the roadway.

Can the center left turn lane be used as a passing lane?

The answer to this question is found in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The MUTCD is adopted into the Michigan Vehicle Code through MCL257.608. The MUTCD Sec3B.05 says in part: “If a two-way left-turn lane that is never operated as a reversible lane is used, the lane line pavement markings on each side of the two-way left-turn lane shall consist of a normal width broken yellow line and a normal width solid yellow line to delineate the edges of a lane that can be used by traffic in either direction as part of a left-turn maneuver. These markings shall be placed with the broken line toward the two-way left-turn lane and the solid line toward the adjacent traffic lane as shown in Figure 3B-7. Guidance: 02 White two-way left-turn lane-use arrows should be used at or just downstream from the beginning of a two-way left-turn lane.”

The MUTCD states the center left turn lane when is to be used by traffic intending to make an immediate left turn. Any other use of the lane could result a citation for Disobeying a Traffic Control Device.

Is it against the law to drive in the left lane when not passing another vehicle?

Here is what MCL 257.634 has to say about lane driving.

If the road has 2 or more lanes in one direction, vehicles shall be driven in the extreme right-hand lane.  If all lanes are occupied by vehicles moving in substantially continuous lanes of traffic, then a driver can use any lane available.  A driver may also use the left lane for a reasonable distance when preparing for a left turn.

On a freeway having 3 or more lanes, a driver may use any lane lawfully available.

MCL 257.642 gives further direction and states in part, “…Upon a roadway with 4 or more lanes which provides for 2-way movement of traffic, a vehicle shall be driven within the extreme right-hand lane except when overtaking and passing but shall not cross the center line of the roadway except where making a left turn.

I have a question regarding a turn around on a road or "Michigan left".  I know you can turn left onto the one way at a turn around, but is it illegal to go straight thru to a driveway across one way traffic?

Many people seem to be confused when it comes to what has been termed a "Michigan Left". The following two graphics depict similar intersection and show the proper and improper use of a turnaround.

Proper use of a turnaround or "Michigan Left":
The driver is traveling east on street A and wants to make a left turn to the north onto street B but there are no left turns allowed at the intersection. Traveling through the intersection and using the turnaround, the driver approaches the steady red light and makes a left on red when traffic permits. The driver then proceeds west on street A and makes a right turn to the north onto Street B.

Improper left turn on red:
The driver is eastbound on street A and wants to turn left onto street C. When the driver enters the turnaround and stops at the steady red signal they cannot proceed straight through (north) onto Street C until the signal turns green. 

Are U-turns legal in Michigan?

Under state law and in the absence of a traffic control device prohibiting same, the maneuver may be completed as long as it can be done in safety, is not careless or reckless, and gives way to other traffic that have the right-of-way. This is outside of a city, village, or township that has adopted the Uniform Traffic Code. Within the boundaries of any city, village, or township, that has adopted the Uniform Traffic Code, rule 434 states... "R 28.1434 Rule 434. Limitations on turning around; violation as civil infraction. (1) The driver of any vehicle shall not turn the vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction on any street in a business district and shall not, on any other street, so turn a vehicle unless the movement can be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic.
(2) A person who violates this rule is responsible for a civil infraction."
Under the UTC the requirement of whether or not there must be a sign posted prohibiting U-turns is debatable. Some say yes and some say no. The final determination will be up to the prosecutor and ultimately the individual court to decide.

Private Drives/Driveways

I live on a private road.  Neighbors installed a stop sign and said the State Police can enforce it. What does the law say?

Provisions of the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) relating to the operation of vehicles generally apply to publicly maintained roads open for public vehicular travel except where a different place is specifically referred to in a given section.  See MCL 257.601.  While MCL 257.601aauthorizes an owner of a private road that is open to the general public to contract with a county, city, or village to enforce certain provisions of the MVC on that private road, I’m unaware of the existence of any such contract in this instance in the location you described.  You may wish to contact local officials to see if any such agreement exists. 

Additionally, while the information may be somewhat dated, Michigan Attorney General Opinion No. 7138, dated September 23, 2003, provides a good overview of enforcement of traffic laws on private roads.  However, even if a particular infraction is enforceable on a private road, as a general matter, police officers may only take direct enforcement action and issue a civil infraction citation if he or she observes the violation as it happens.  Nevertheless, any questions regarding potential enforcement are best directed to local law enforcement officials.

Speed Limits

Please provide me with the state law, act or policy that outlines the speed limits on unmarked rural roads. It is our understanding that the speed limit on an unmarked rural dirt road is 45 mph and 55 mph on an unmarked rural paved road.

MCL 257.628 of the Michigan Vehicle Code sets the statewide maximum speed limit on all unposted highways at 55 mph. Gravel roads are included in this. Gravel roads are currently excluded from the process of lowering posted speeds through a Traffic Control Order due to the changing conditions of these roads. The Basic Speed Law, MCL 257.627, adequately covers these changing conditions by requiring drivers to "drive at a careful and prudent speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the highway and of any other condition then existing."

I am confused when the speed limit in a construction zone will be 60mph and when it will be 45mph. There are times I see workers, but they are not near the traffic lanes. Are they “present” in those cases, and am I required to drive 45mph then?

MCL 257.627 says in a construction zone as defined in MCL 257.79d the speed limit is 45mph unless a different speed limit is determined by the state transportation department. A different speed limit (60mph) would be posted with official traffic control devices for that work zone. Additionally, an illuminated changeable digital message displaying the speed limit on the speed limit sign could also be posted. MCL 257.627(6)(b) says "Present" means located in proximity to a roadway that is not protected by a guardrail or barrier.

Speeds are reduced in construction zones for safety reasons. Lane widths, shoulder widths and merging areas may be reduced. Lowering your speed will allow for extra time to react to changing road conditions and keep our roadway workers safe.

Under what conditions may a police officer exceed the posted speed limit?

MCL 257.632 of the Michigan Vehicle Code states that an officer may exceed the speed limit "when traveling in emergencies or in the chase or apprehension of violators of the law or of persons charged with or suspected of a violation..."

I would like to have the 55mph speed limit on my roadway decreased to 25mph. We live near a lake where families are walking on the shoulders and kids are riding bikes and playing near the streets. How do I get that changed to a lower speed?
Lowering a speed limit on a county roadway to anything lower than 55mph will require a traffic control order be created pursuant to a traffic engineering and speed study (MCL 257.628). If the county road commission or state department of transportation determines a speed limit may be inappropriate for the area, they will forward their findings to the Michigan State Police (MSP). Based on the information provided, the MSP will determine if a speed study will be conducted.

Vehicle Equipment

Can I have tinted windows on my vehicle?

The law that covers window applications is MCL 257.709. The use of tinting is limited to the rear side windows, the rear window if the vehicle has outside mirrors on both sides, and the top 4 inches of the front side windows. There is a limited exception for medical necessity with a doctor's “prescription”, which allows for tinting to be applied to the front side windows as well. Michigan does not have a specification for the darkness of the window application but does prohibit applications with a solar reflectivity greater than 35%.

If I have a signed letter by my doctor indicating a medical necessity for tinted windows can another person drive my vehicle if the windows are tinted?

Yes, provided the special window treatment or application has been determined by a physician or optometrist to be necessary for the protection of a person who is light sensitive or photosensitive, and the owner or operator of a motor vehicle is in possession of a letter signed by a physician or optometrist indicating that the special window treatment or application is a medical necessity as required by MCL 257.709(3)(e). However, the special window treatment or application shall not interfere with or obstruct the driver's clear vision of the highway or an intersecting highway.

Is it illegal to drive with a cracked windshield?

A cracked windshield could fall under Michigan’s defective equipment statute, and could result in a civil infraction citation.

I would like to install a lift kit on my truck. How high can the bumpers and frame be on my pickup truck?

The bumper and frame height on a vehicle is dependent on the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) on each vehicle. The GVWR can be found on the VIN sticker inside the driver’s side door frame. MCL - Section 257.710c provides guidance in reference to obtaining the measurements listed below:

Vehicle Type/Weight Frame Height Bumper Height
Passenger vehicle 12 inches 22 inches
Other motor vehicle: Less than 4,501 pounds GVWR 24 inches 26 inches
Other motor vehicle: 4,501 to 7,500 pounds GVWR 24 inches 28 inches
Other motor vehicle: 7,501 to 10,000 pounds GVWR 26 inches 30 inches

Can I install neon lighting within the interior of my vehicle?

The problem with placing neon lighting inside a vehicle is that the vehicle code is very specific about the color of lamps allowed on a vehicle and what color can be seen from what direction.  For instance, the only color legally allowed to be displayed to the front of a vehicle is white or amber.  The only color allowed to be displayed to the rear is red or amber.  To the sides, front - amber or white, rear - amber or red.  No other colors are allowed and if any permitted color lamp is visible from any direction that is not allowed then it cannot be equipped that way.  If the lighting causes a visual impairment for the driver or is potentially distracting, then such lighting is unlawful.  Finally, like exterior neon lighting, there is no provision within the Michigan Vehicle Code that allows the use of interior neon lighting.  Ultimately it will be a matter for the prosecutor and courts to decide.

Are neon license plate frames legal?

You may equip your vehicle with a license plate frame that contains neon lights however they must be covered and unlit while on the roadway or within the public right-of way. In addition, the frame cannot obstruct any of the registration information on the plate or tabs.

Can I have neon underbody lighting on my vehicle?

MCL 257.698(4) prohibits equipping a vehicle with any lighting that is not expressly required or permitted by Chapter 6, unless both covered and unlit. Neon underbody lighting is neither expressly required nor permitted. If equipped, the lights must be unlit and covered while on a highway, which includes all public roads and the adjacent rights-of-way.

The Michigan Attorney General issued AG Opinion #6833 regarding this very question.

I am considering equipping my vehicle with neon valve stem lights. Are they legal?

If installed on a vehicle, the lights must be both covered and unlit while on a highway (any public road, including the right-of-way). This prohibition includes, but is not limited to; windshield wiper lights, tire valve stem lights, overhead/roll bar lights, underbody lights, and interior after-market lighting if visible from outside of the vehicle.

Are smoked-out headlight covers legal?

The Michigan Vehicle Code requires head lamps to emit a white light, with "high-beams" of intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least 350 feet ahead, and low-beams of intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least 100 feet ahead. Since smoked headlamp covers change the color of light, and/or decrease their intensity below the requirements, they should not be used when headlamps are required to be on. However, smoked headlamp covers may be used when headlamps are not on, and not required.

Is having smoked taillight/brake covers legal in Michigan?  How about the smoked ones with slashes or vents in them showing a small part of the original red lens?

MCL 257.686 requires a tail lamp to emit a red light plainly visible for at least 500 feet to the rear of the vehicle. MCL 257.697 requires stop lamps to emit a red or amber light and be capable of being seen and distinguished from other lamps for a distance of 100 feet, including during normal daylight. If the cover you apply prohibits the lamp from meeting these requirements, then it is unlawful.

I own a retired Police Cruiser and am looking into adding on some extra equipment (Spotlights, etc.). Before I do so I would like to know what is legal (both on and off the road) here in Michigan?

If your intention is to equip this vehicle to represent an authorized emergency vehicle you cannot operate that vehicle on the roadway unless you are a peace officer. The use and/or possession of a flashing, rotating, or oscillating light of any color would be prohibited.

Should you decide to operate a vehicle on the roadway equipped as a police vehicle you would be subject to arrest for the criminal act of "False Representation as a Peace Officer".

Would it be legal to install a (police type) siren on my car for purposes of an auto alarm?

MCL 257.706 covers sirens on vehicles. Under the circumstances you describe the installation and use of a siren would be illegal.

What are the state laws on dash cameras?

MCL 257.709(1)(c) prohibits an object that obstructs the vision of the driver of the vehicle, except as authorized by law.  Assuming the driver of a vehicle is otherwise able to safely operate the vehicle, the added equipment (“dash camera”) does not interfere with or obstruct the driver's clear vision of the highway or an intersecting highway, and to the extent the equipment might prevent the clear view of the highway behind the vehicle, the vehicle is equipped with 2 rearview mirrors (1 on each side, adjusted so that the operator has a clear view of the highway behind the vehicle), I am unaware of a specific provision of the MVC that could be cited as a violation.

I would just like to know if there is any sound level or DB law here in Michigan for automotive exhausts, specifically aftermarket?

MCL 257.707c provides the decibel levels at which the noise is considered excessive, while MCL 257.707e addresses the procedure for conducting a test. It is important to note that while these objective levels are provided, a vehicle below these levels may still be in violation. MCL 257.707b requires an exhaust system to be maintained in good working order to prevent excessive or unusual noise, which can be subjective. MCL 257.707 requires that an exhaust system be equipped with a muffler, and a resonator and tailpipe, if originally equipped. This precludes the modification of an exhaust system beyond the replacement of worn-out parts.

When are turn signals required to be used and does this include changing lanes?

MCL 257.648 states in part, "The driver...before stopping or turning from a direct line, shall first see that the stopping or turning can be made in safety and shall give a signal as required...".  Common sense and state law agree that whenever you are turning, a signal is required, however, much debate has occurred over whether that language required the use of turn signals when simply changing lanes.
The Michigan Court of Appeals has finally clarified the language in MCL 257.648 requiring the use of a signal when changing lanes, or "turning from a direct line."  Their decision--published, and therefore binding on lower courts--states in summary "...a reasonable person of ordinary intelligence is not required to speculate about the phrase's meaning, and MCL 257.648 provides fair notice of what conduct is proscribed. We hold that MCL 257.648 requires drivers to use a turn signal when changing lanes on a highway and is not unconstitutionally vague."  People v Hrlic, 277 Mich App 260 (2007)

I am wondering what vehicle equipment requirements must be followed for a four-wheeled motorcycle. Or what the law is on making a 4-wheeler, able to use on public roads.

MCL 257.31 defines a motorcycle as "every motor vehicle having a saddle or seat for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than 3 wheels in contact with the ground but excluding a tractor." Therefore, a four-wheel vehicle is not a motorcycle under Michigan law regardless of the vehicle configuration. The type of vehicle that you are describing would probably fall in the category of "ORV," defined in MCL 324.81101.

As noted on the SOS website, certain off-road vehicles (ORVs), all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and off-road dune buggies can be titled as an assembled vehicle for on-road use.

If this type of ORV is not currently titled, registered and insured for on-road use, it may only be operated on a highway under very limited circumstances if it meets the definition of an ORV as provided in MCL 324.81101 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.  The limited circumstances, such as crossing a street or highway at a right angle for the purpose of getting from one area to another, can be found in MCL 324.81122.

Additionally, MCL 324.81131 authorizes local municipalities to pass an ordinance allowing the operation of ORV’s on streets within the municipality and sets forth the requirements and restrictions in doing so.

Are tire chains legal in Michigan?

MCL 257.710 of the Michigan Vehicle Code covers the use of tire chains, and states that a person may "use a tire chain of reasonable proportion upon a vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other condition tending to cause a vehicle to skid." If used, the chain must not come in contact with the surface of the roadway.

Are studded tires legal in Michigan?

In practical terms, no.   

MCL 257.710 allows for the use of studded tires if they meet the specifications listed in subparts (c), (d), and (e).  The part that specifically deals with studded tires is subpart (d) which states; "The department of state highways and transportation shall promulgate rules establishing acceptable standards to permit the use of a tire with studs or other traction devices to be used on a street or highway after April 1, 1975. The rules shall make separate provision for the extreme winter snow and ice conditions of the Upper Peninsula and the Northern Lower Peninsula. The rules shall include a restriction on the amount and dimension of protrusions that may be allowed on a tire, the type of material that may be used in a stud, traction device, or tire, and the amount of road wear that a tire with studs or other traction devices may cause on a street or highway."

Administrative Rules 247.171 through 247.175 govern studded tires and set the criteria for their use.

These rules state two conditions that must be met for the use of studded tires. Note: to date no manufacturer of tire studs has supplied information to the Michigan Department of Transportation that their product meets or exceeds the required pavement wear specifications.

First, they can only be used between November 15 and April 1 of the succeeding year except in the Upper Peninsula and the Northern Lower Peninsula, where, because of extreme winter snow and ice conditions, they may be used between October 1 and May 1 of the succeeding year.  Northern Lower Peninsula is defined as those counties whose southern boundaries are as far or farther north than the southern boundary of Missaukee County.

Second, studs or other traction devices shall not be used unless they wear either concrete or asphalt pavements, typical of those in this state, at a rate not to exceed 25% of the reference standard studded tire.

My son recently purchased a Chevy 2500 with very wide tires on it. They stick out well beyond the fenders. Is there a law against this?

It is difficult to say whether this is illegal or not. However, MCL 257.717 offers guidance to the allowable widths of various vehicles. MCL 257.717(4) says in part, if a vehicle is equipped with pneumatic tires the maximum width from the outside of one wheel to the outside of opposite wheel shall not exceed 102 inches, and the outside width of the body of the vehicle or load shall not exceed 96 inches.


I own a car built in 1957 which did not come from the factory with seatbelts.  Can I legally drive this vehicle on the road and take my children with me without seatbelts?

Yes. MCL 257.710b states in part that a private passenger vehicle manufactured after January 1, 1965, must be equipped with safety belts for the driver and one other front seat passenger. MCL 257.710d states in part that child restraint requirements do not apply to motor vehicles not required to be equipped with safety belts under federal law or regulation.

Where would I find information about what the actual law is regarding the use of seatbelts?

Michigan's law states that all front seat passengers must wear a properly fastened safety belt, and all rear seat passengers from the ages of 4 through 15 must wear a properly fastened safety belt (we also encourage people 16 and over to buckle up in the rear seat).

If the motor vehicle is transporting more children than there are safety belts available for use, all safety belts available in the motor vehicle are being utilized in compliance with this section, and the operator and all front seat passengers comply with the section, the operator of a motor vehicle transporting a child 8 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age for which there is not an available safety belt is in compliance with this subsection if that child is seated in other than the front seat of the motor vehicle. However, if that motor vehicle is a pickup truck without an extended cab or jump seats, and all safety belts in the front seat are being used, the operator may transport the child in the front seat without a safety belt.

There are a few exemptions to both of these laws, but we always encourage people to properly fasten their safety belt at all times while traveling in a vehicle. Listed below are the links for the full text of Michigan's safety belt and child restraint laws:

Michigan's safety belt law

Michigan's child restraint law

I have tried to find information on infant and child car seat laws. Car seats come with recommendations but never list the law. My friends and I want to make sure our children are restrained properly and according to the law but everywhere I turn I can find no information on what those laws are. How long do children have to be in "car seats" versus just the seat of the car for instance?

Michigan's child restraint law has been updated and is in effect beginning 4/1/2025. MCL 257.710d says children shall be properly secured in a child restraint system/safety belt when being transported in a motor vehicle as follows:

  1. …each driver transporting a child in a motor vehicle shall properly secure that child in a child restraint system that meets the standards prescribed in 49 CFR 571.213.
  2. A driver transporting a child as required under subsection (1) shall position the child in the child restraint system in a rear seat, if the vehicle is equipped with a rear seat. If all available rear seats are occupied by children, then a child may be positioned in the child restraint system in the front seat. A child in a rear-facing child restraint system may be placed in the front seat only if the front passenger air bag is deactivated. In addition, a child must be seated and positioned in a child restraint system as follows:
    • A child must be restrained in a rear-facing child restraint system until the child meets either of the following conditions:
      1. The child has reached the weight or height limit of the rear-facing child restraint system set by the manufacturer.
      2. The child is 2 years of age or older.
    • A child who meets either of the conditions in subdivision (a)(i) or (ii) must be restrained in a forward-facing child restraint system with an internal harness until the child meets either of the following conditions:
      1. The child has reached the weight or height limit of the forward-facing child restraint system set by the manufacturer.
      2. The child is 5 years of age or older.
    • A child who meets either of the conditions in subdivision (b)(i) or (ii) must be restrained in a belt-positioning child booster seat secured with a lap-shoulder safety belt until the child meets either of the following conditions:
      1. The child has reached the height of 4 feet 9 inches.
      2. The child is 8 years of age or older.

Once the child meets either of the conditions listed in the subsections above, but the child is less than 13 years of age, they must be restrained with a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt. The child under 13 years of age shall also be seated in the rear seat of the vehicle if the vehicle is equipped with a rear seat. It is recommended that a child be secured in the appropriate child restraint system for as long as the child is within the weight and height limits described by the manufacturer.

When there is an air bag in the front passenger side, are children 12 and under supposed to be in the back seat?

The answer to your question can be found in Michigan’s Child Restraint Law. The law says in part; a child in a rear-facing restraint system shall be placed in the rear seat, if the vehicle has a rear seat. If all available rear seats are occupied by children, then a child may be positioned in the child restraint system in the front seat. A child in a rear-facing child restraint system may be placed in the front seat only if the front passenger air bag is deactivated. Once the child reaches either two years of age or has reached the weight and height limit of the rear-facing child restraint system and is secured in a front-facing child restraint system, there is no requirement to deactivate the front airbag.

More information available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Traffic Crashes and Reporting

Beginning in July 2005, the State of Michigan launched a new website dedicated to online purchasing of traffic crash reports. Interested parties may be able to purchase a copy of a traffic crash report taken by any Michigan law enforcement agency.

Traffic Crash Purchasing System


I was involved in a traffic crash in the past and need a copy of the report. Where can I obtain one?

Interested parties such as individuals involved in the crash and/or their attorney, and insurance companies should contact the Traffic Crash Purchasing System (TCPS). If unable to do so you can contact the Michigan State Police Post that responded to the crash. 

Each post retains traffic crash reports for the current year plus two years. If the crash occurred prior to that you must request a copy of the report from the Criminal Justice Information Center using a Freedom of Information Request form.

In addition, if you are not an interested party as described above, you must complete a Freedom of Information Request to obtain a specific traffic crash report. Complete the form with as much information as possible and mail to the address listed on the form.

If another agency other than the Michigan State Police responded and completed a crash report, you will need to contact that agency directly or utilize the TCPS.

Cell Phones and Mobile Electronic Devices

I was told that you could dial *677 from your cell phone and it would connect you directly to the state police. Is this true?

This internet myth is based partially in reality but does not apply to Michigan. In Michigan, as well as most states, the number to contact for an emergency is 911.  Some states have a non-emergency number as well, with *677 being the variant that works in Ontario (677=OPP on the telephone keypad).

Is it against the law to talk on a cell phone while driving in Michigan?

MCL 257.602b prohibits holding or using and electronic device while operating a motor vehicle. Using an electronic device includes but is not limited to: Sending or receiving a telephone call. Send, receive or read a text message. View, record or transmit a video, or access, read, or post to a social networking site. Hold means to physically support with any part of the hands, arms or shoulders. This section also applies to vehicles temporarily stationary because of traffic, road conditions, a traffic light, or a stop sign.

There are a few exceptions which include but are not limited to: calling or texting 911 or making an emergency call to report a fire, traffic accident, serios road hazard, reckless driver, or a crime being committed. For a complete list of exemptions, please refer to MCL 257.602b.

MCL 257.602c (Kelsey’s Law) in addition to 257.602b prohibits an individual issued a level 1 or level 2 graduated driver’s license from using a cellular telephone while operating a motor vehicle. In this case, “use” means to initiate a call, answer a call or listen to or engage in verbal communication through the cellular telephone.

The most current revision of MCL 257.602c includes the prohibition of using a voice-operated system that is integrated into the motor vehicle. 
There are a few exceptions which include but are not limited to: calling or texting 911 or making an emergency call to report a fire, traffic accident, serios road hazard, reckless driver, or a crime being committed. For a complete list of exemptions, please refer to MCL 257.602c.                                     

Are CB radios included in Michigan’s new “hands-free” law?

No, using a citizen’s band (CB) radio while driving a motor vehicle is not a violation of Michigan’s “hands-free” law. MCL 257.602b(12)(b)(i) prohibits the use of a “mobile electronic device.” A “mobile electronic device” is defined as “an electronic device that is not permanently installed in a motor vehicle, including, but not limited to, a device capable of text messaging, voice communication, entertainment, navigation, accessing the internet, or producing email.” A “mobile electronic device” does not include a citizen’s band radio under the law.

Motorcycle/Moped Laws

Is lane splitting legal in Michigan?

“Lane splitting” is a common term used when the operator of a motorcycle drives between two lines of traffic traveling in the same direction. This practice is most common when traffic is stopped whether due to traffic congestion or another traffic incident. 

The Michigan Vehicle Code prevents lane splitting in MCL 257.660(5). The section reads as follows: “A person operating a motorcycle, moped, low-speed vehicle, electric personal assistive mobility device, or electric skateboard shall not pass between lines of traffic but may pass on the left of traffic moving in his or her direction in the case of a 2-way street or on the left or right of traffic in the case of a 1-way street, in an unoccupied lane.”

I would like to request a list of helmets that have been approved by the Department of State Police.

Motorcycle helmets that meet the federal standards of 49 C.F.R. are considered approved in Michigan under administrative rule R 28.951. The Michigan Department of State Police does not maintain a list of those helmets. Motorcycle helmets sold through a reputable dealer will normally be in compliance. Look for indications of compliance on the box and in the paperwork supplied with the helmet, in addition to a Department of Transportation (DOT) sticker affixed to the helmet.

Please be aware that helmets purchased from individuals, at swap meets and shows, or through non-reputable dealers may not be in compliance with federal standards. Additionally, watch for disclaimers on the box indicating that a helmet is novelty only, and not for street use.

I recently purchased a Polaris Slingshot which is not equipped with a roof. Do need to wear a helmet while driving it?

A Polaris Slingshot satisfies the definition of an autocycle in the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC). The MVC says anyone under 21 years old operating a motorcycle is required to wear a crash helmet. MCL 257.658(5) applies to a person who is 21 years of age and older. A person may operate a motorcycle without wearing a helmet if they have had a motorcycle endorsement on their operator’s or chauffeur’s license for two years or more or has passed a motorcycle safety course prescribed the Michigan Secretary of State (SOS) and satisfies the insurance requirements in 2577.658(5)(c). MCL 257.658(7) says the crash helmet requirements under this section do not apply to a person operating or riding in an autocycle if the vehicle is equipped with a roof that meets or exceeds the standards for a crash helmet.
A motorcycle is defined as a motor vehicle that has a saddle or seat for the use of the rider and is designed to travel on not more than 3 wheels in contact with the ground. Motorcycle includes and autocycle but does not include a tractor.
An autocycle is defined as a motorcycle that is equipped with safety belts, rollbar or roll hoops, handlebars or a steering wheel and equipment otherwise required on a motorcycle, has not more than 3 wheels in contact with the roadway at any one time and is not equipped with a straddle seat.
Autocycles are equipped with roll hoops and seatbelts which exempt the rider for the helmet requirement. The operator and passenger are required to wear seatbelts in MCL257.658(8).

Is there a specific age, or weight that children can legally ride as a passenger on a motorcycle?

There is no minimum age for a child to ride on a motorcycle, subject to one exception based on size rather than age. MCL 257.658a states "A passenger shall not ride on a motorcycle unless his or her feet can rest on the assigned footrests or pegs except...due to a permanent physical disability."

I recently bought a 150cc scooter, is it considered a motorcycle?

If what you are describing is a motorcycle as defined in MCL 257.31, then MCL 257.312a generally requires a person to procure a motorcycle indorsement on his or her operators or chauffeurs license before operating on a public street or highway.  If not a motorcycle, and unless it meets the definition of an “electric personal assistive mobility device,” “power driven mobility device,“ electric carriage,” “commercial quadricycle,” “electric bicycle,” or “electric skateboard” under the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC), it would seemingly be considered both a “vehicle” and “motor vehicle.”  Additionally, such device might also fit the definition of a “moped” as defined under MCL 257.32b, which provides as follows:
  1. Moped means a 2- or 3-wheeled vehicle to which both of the following apply:
    • It is equipped with a motor that does not exceed 100 cubic centimeters piston displacement and cannot propel the vehicle at a speed greater than 30 miles per hour on a level surface.
    • Its power drive system does not require the operator to shift gears.
  2. Moped does not include an electric bicycle.

If the “scooter” is a vehicle by definition and is equipped with a motor that does not exceed the maximum piston displacement (100cc), cannot propel the vehicle at a speed greater than 30 mph, and does not require the operator to shift gears, it would seemingly fall within the definition of a “moped” under the MVC.  If a moped, it would necessarily be subject to those laws in the MVC that pertain to mopeds including required equipment and licensing.

If the “scooter” meets the definition of a “electric personal assistive mobility device,” “power driven mobility device,“ electric carriage,” “commercial quadricycle,” “electric bicycle,” or “electric skateboard” under the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC), MCL 257.660 would regulate the area in which each respective piece of equipment may be operated.  The ability to operate on a roadway, bicycle path, or sidewalk would necessarily depend on which piece of equipment you had by definition.

The definitions of “motorcycle” and “moped” are significant in the Vehicle Code (MCL Chapter 257) because vehicles that meet these definitions are subject to registration, having a license plate, laws regarding renting, motorcycle endorsements, specification requirements or restrictions regarding equipment such as head lamps, handlebars, noise, etc.

We recently got “Bird” scooters in our town (electric skateboards).  Are they considered a motor vehicle?  Can I be arrested for drunk driving on an electric skateboard?

Public Act 204 of 2018 amended the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by adding MCL 257.13f to define “electric skateboard” as a wheeled device with a floorboard to stand on that is not more than 60 inches long and 18 inches wide and is designed for only one person at a time. To be an electric skateboard, the device must have an electrical propulsion system that does not exceed 2,500 watts and a maximum speed on a paved level surface that does not exceed 25 mph. An electric skateboard may be designed to be powered by human propulsion, in addition to the electric propulsion system.

An electric skateboard is exempted from the definition of “motor vehicle” under MCL 257.33, but a person riding an electric skateboard “has all of the rights and is subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle.” MCL 257.657. Questions regarding an arrest for a violation of MCL 257.625 (Operating While Intoxicated) on an electric skateboard/horse, should generally be referred to your city attorney or local prosecutor.

Where can I legally ride a goped?

A goped, while not specifically defined in the Michigan Vehicle Code, does fall under the definition of a moped  (MCL.257.32b) . Mopeds are required to have certain equipment such as a headlight, brake light, seat, horn, muffler, and brakes on each wheel, in order to be legally operated on the roadway. In addition, the operator of a moped must be at least 15 years of age, have a moped license or an operator/chauffeur license, and the vehicle must be registered with the Department of State and display a valid registration plate. Finally, a person operating a moped must wear an approved crash helmet if they are under 19 years of age.

Because gopeds are not equipped with the required equipment they cannot be legally driven on the roadway. Also, by definition they are a motor vehicle and therefore cannot be driven on a sidewalk constructed for use by pedestrians.

Can someone tell me what the laws in Michigan are for riding pocket bikes?

If the "pocket bike" has an engine displacement of 50cc's or less, produces 2.0 brake horsepower or less, is capable of a top speed of no more than 30 mph, and the operator is not required/allowed to shift gears, then it may be legally classified as a moped. The Secretary of State website lists the operational and equipment requirements for such motor vehicles. Most "pocket bikes" will not meet those requirements and therefore will not be street legal.

If the "pocket bike" has an engine displacement greater than 50cc's then it is classified as a motorcycle and must meet the requirements applicable to that type of vehicle.  Again, most "pocket bikes" will not meet these requirements.

Bicycle Laws

Is it illegal to ride a bicycle on a sidewalk?

No, as long as the operation of a bicycle on a sidewalk is not prohibited by an official traffic control device. However, an individual riding a bicycle on a sidewalk does have certain rules they have to follow. MCL 257.660c says the individual operating a bicycle on a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and shall give an audible signal when overtaking or passing a pedestrian.

Golf Carts and ORV Laws

My husband saw on the news last night that golf carts were allowed on the county roads in the state of Michigan. Is this true?

MCL 257.657a authorizes a village or city of fewer than 30,000 people to allow the operation of golf carts on the streets of that village or city by resolution, and sets forth the requirements and restrictions in doing so.  Similarly, a township of fewer than 30,000 people is also authorized to allow this under certain circumstances unless disapproved by the county board of commissioners.

To operate a golf cart on a street, the person must be:

  • 16 years of age or older and licensed to operate a motor vehicle. 
  • Shall comply with the signal requirements in MCL 257.648
  • Shall ride near the right side of the roadway
  • Shall not exceed a speed of 15mph
  • Shall not be operated on a sidewalk

If the golf cart is not currently titled, registered, and insured for on-road use, and is not within one of the cities, villages or townships that has allowed on road use, it may only be operated on a highway under very limited circumstances if it meets the definition of an ORV as provided in MCL 324.81101 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.  The limited circumstances, such as crossing a street or highway at a right angle for the purpose of getting from one area to another, can be found in MCL 324.81122.  Additionally, MCL 324.81131 authorizes local municipalities to pass an ordinance allowing the operation of ORV’s on streets within the municipality and sets forth the requirements and restrictions in doing so.

I have a Polaris Ranger and want to know if I can operate it on the road?

As noted on the SOS website, certain off-road vehicles (ORVs), all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and off-road dune buggies can be titled as an assembled vehicle for on-road use. 

If this type of ORV is not currently titled, registered and insured for on-road use, it may only be operated on a highway under very limited circumstances if it meets the definition of an ORV as provided in MCL 324.81101 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.  The limited circumstances, such as crossing a street or highway at a right angle for the purpose of getting from one area to another, can be found in MCL 324.81122.  

Additionally, MCL 324.81131 authorizes local municipalities to pass an ordinance allowing the operation of ORV’s on streets within the municipality and sets forth the requirements and restrictions in doing so.

Operator and Chauffeur Licenses

I will be visiting Michigan with my 18-year-old daughter from Toronto and had a question. We have a graduated license system and at the time of our trip, she will have her G2 license. It's the second step of getting a license in Ontario. Is she able to drive in Michigan with this level of license?

MCL-257.302a(1)... The nonresident operator may operate a motor vehicle in compliance with otherwise applicable state and federal law using the license to operate a motor vehicle issued by a country other than the United States if the country that issued the nonresident operator's license is a party to an international treaty, convention, or agreement regulating traffic, driving, or the operation of motor vehicles to which the United States or this state is also a party, according to the terms of that treaty, convention, or agreement...

... While operating a passenger vehicle in this state, a nonresident operator who is the holder of a license to operate a motor vehicle issued by a country other than the United States shall have in his or her immediate possession his or her valid license to operate a motor vehicle issued by that country and, if no English translation appears on the front or back of the license, 1 of the following:

  • A valid international driving permit.
  • If the license to operate a motor vehicle is issued by a country that does not permit the issuance of an international driving permit, a document containing a photo and an English translation that substantially corresponds to an international driving permit, which shall be used solely to properly identify the individual appearing on the license for the purpose of enforcing this act...

Canada is a treaty country allowing a person with a valid Canadian driver's license to operate a motor vehicle in the United States. Below is a link to a list of countries who have entered a treaty with the United States.

Registration and Insurance

When purchasing a vehicle from a private party, how much time to I have to transfer the title?

When purchasing a vehicle from a private party, you have 15 days to transfer the title. Unless the title transfer occurs within 15 days after the sale of the vehicle, the vehicle will be considered to be without registration as outlined in MCL 257.234.

The only place on my utility trailer to put my license plate is on the fender, which would require it to be mounted vertically. I was told I could be ticketed for this. Is that correct?

MCL 257.225(2) says “A registration plate shall at all times be securely fastened in a horizontal position to the vehicle for which the plate is issued so as to prevent the plate from swinging. The plate shall be attached at a height of not less than 12 inches from the ground, measured from the bottom of the plate, in a place and position that is clearly visible..."

I can’t find a paper copy of my vehicle’s proof of insurance or proof of registration. What should I do, and can I be issued a citation for not having them?

In 2016 and 2017 the laws regarding the requirements to provide a valid proof of insurance and proof of registration were updated. A certificate of insurance in electronic form when provided to a police officer as required is acceptable under the updated statute. Additionally, a digital photograph of a valid registration certificate would satisfy the requirements that a registration certificate be carried in the vehicle and be displayed upon the request of a police officer.


My husband was told by a local police officer that he cannot park his    vehicle in the roadway when it is facing the wrong way. Can you tell me if this is true?

The answer to your question is generally, yes it could be a violation of Michigan law. MCL 257.675 says when a vehicle is parked on the roadway, it shall be parked with the vehicle parallel to the roadway with the wheels on the right side of the vehicle within twelve (12) inches of the curb. However, a local authority may by ordinance permit a vehicle to be parked with the left wheels within twelve (12) inches of the left curb on a one-way roadway. 

Is it illegal to idle my car for the purpose of warming it up in the morning while I wait inside my house?

There is no prohibition under state law against idling your car while unattended on private property for the purpose of “warming it up” in the winter, or “cooling it off” in the summer. The law which was updated in 2017 prohibits a person from leaving a vehicle unattended while parked on a highway/street without first taking possession of the ignition key. However, this does not apply if the vehicle is equipped with a remote start feature if the remote start feature is engaged.

Administrative Rule 28.1458 in the Uniform Traffic Code was also rescinded in 2017 as part of the legislative update. 

There is very little off-street parking where I work, and I don’t want to get a parking ticket for parking in the wrong place on the roadway. Are there specific laws about parking near a stop sign, or fire hydrant?

Michigan does have laws specific to the parking of vehicles. The law states in part, that a person shall not park a vehicle, unless necessary to avoid conflict in any of the following places: on a sidewalk, in front of a public or private driveway, within an intersection, within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, on a crosswalk, within 15 feet of a crosswalk ,or within 30 feet of the approach of a stop sign. 

This list is not all inclusive. For a complete list and details of Michigan’s law regarding parking, please review MCL 257.674


Is it legal to ride in a pickup camper secured to the bed of my pickup or in a tow behind camper?

MCL 257.710e, children under the age of 16 would be prohibited from doing so if there were passenger seats available in the pickup or vehicle towing the camper.  The Michigan State Police does not endorse this type of action because a camper, whether it is the type secured in a pickup bed or a trailer type is not designed and manufactured for such use.  The operator and/or registered owner could be held liable both criminally or civilly if a passenger is injured or killed while riding in the camper.

Can a person ride in the back of a pickup truck?

It depends on the age of the person. MCL 257.682b says in part, it is unlawful for a person under the age of 18 to ride in the open bed of a pickup at a speed greater than 15 miles per hour on a public roadway.   

Can I have open alcohol in a travel-trailer that is being pulled on the road, or in a motorhome RV while someone else is driving?

In most instances transporting or possession of open intoxicants in a vehicle is not permitted. MCL 257.624a states in part, "a person who is an operator or occupant shall not transport or possess alcoholic liquor in a container that is open or uncapped or upon which the seal is broken within the passenger compartment of a vehicle upon a highway, or within the passenger compartment of a moving vehicle in any place open to the general public or generally accessible to motor vehicles, including an area designated for the parking of vehicles..."  There are exceptions in cases where the transportation of an open or uncapped alcoholic liquor in the passenger compartment of a vehicle are permitted.  They include times when the vehicle does not have a trunk or separate area from the passenger compartment, and the container is in a locked glove compartment, behind the last upright seat, or in an area not normally occupied by the operator.  There are additional exceptions in the case of a chartered vehicle such as a limousine or chartered bus.

Are radar jammers illegal in Michigan?

RADAR jammers, both active and passive, are illegal under federal law in all 50 states. The Federal Communications Commission prohibits the operation, sale, or marketing of any type of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications, including cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

Is the use of a radar detector in a private vehicle legal in the State of Michigan?

Radar detectors are legal for use in passenger vehicles in the state of Michigan.

I have always thought police have monthly ticket quotas to meet. My friend’s dad is a police officer at a local agency and said they cannot legally have ticket quotas. Can you tell me if this is true, or if police do actually have quotas?

Your friend’s father is correct. Police cannot be required to meet a predetermined or a specific number of citations or a “ticket writing quota,” The law prohibiting this is found in MCL 257.750 where it says; “A police officer shall not be required to issue a predetermined or specified number of citations for violations of this act or of local ordinances substantially corresponding to provisions of this act, including parking or standing violations. A police officer's performance evaluation system shall not require a predetermined or specified number of citations to be issued.”