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Bicyclist riding on the shoulder of a rural road.
Department of Transportation


Explore Michigan by bicycle!

MDOT strives to improve road safety for all by supporting bicycle commuting and recreation. Bicycling maps are available, but riders should assess conditions and plan routes based on their skills

For additional information on bicycling in Michigan or possible routes contact the League of Michigan Bicyclists (LMB) or Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance (MTGA).

Order MDOT bicycle maps
Explore Michigan by bicycle! Video

Bicycle maps and routes

MDOT bicycle maps

MDOT's multi-county regional bicycle maps show riders the road type, traffic volumes, trails, points of interest, and more to make bicycling across Michigan more enjoyable.

U.S. bicycle routes

The Michigan U.S. Bicycle Route System is part of a national network of bicycling routes connecting urban and rural communities via signed roads and trails.
