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Early Childhood Special Education - Ages 3-5

Smiling girl in wheelchair holding plant as mother kneels beside her

Early Childhood Special Education - Ages 3-5

Michigan Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services include special instruction and related services provided to young children, ages three through five, who qualify under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA, Part B, Section 619). Through its 56 intermediate school districts (ISDs) Michigan's ECSE program ensures the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to all eligible children at no cost to their families, and in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). LRE means that young children with disabilities should receive services in typical community-based early childhood settings and programs whenever possible, and only go to more restrictive or specialized settings when their individual needs require it.


Office of Early Education Main Phone Number: 517-241-7004

Manager, Birth to Five Early Childhood Special Education
Janet Timbs, 517-245-9406

Part B, Section 619 Coordinator
Mark Kuipers, 517-855-8658